An Asthmatic Lohoch.
Take Syrup of Ground Ivy, Horehound, each 1 ounce and half; Oxymel simple 1 ounce; Powder of Arum compound, of Orris and Gum Ammoniac (dissolv'd in Cinnamon Water, and strain'd) each 1 dram; Elixir Proprietatis (prepared with Oil of Sulphur by the Bell) half a dram; Flower of Benjamin 12 grains, mix.
It's eminent for the same Virtues with the Lohoch of Garlic (after describ'd) namely, it powerfully incides, provokes a Cough, and Expectorates. But hath this furthur Privilege, that it neither accuates, nor accends the mass of Blood; and therefore is more proper for such as are of an hot Constitution, or actually Feverish, as Phthifical People generally are.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710