An Astringent Draught.
Take Waters of Plantain 2 ounces; Mint ahlf an ounce; strong Cinnamon 1 ounce; Syrup of Meconium 6 drams; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop; Diascordium half a dram; Bole 1 scruple; Balaustines half a scruple, mix.
It comforts the Stomach and Bowels, retrieves the failing Tone of the Intestines, corrects their slipperiness, and represseth their continual bearing downwards. To which may be added, that it pacifies the enraged Spirits, and drives the Radii of the Humours and Steams from the Centre to the Circumference of the Body, and thence carries them off.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710