An Astringent Electuary.
Take Conserve of red Roses 2 ounces; Diacordium half an ounce; powder'd Bole 2 drams; Dragons Blood 1 dram and half; Balaustines half a dram; Oil of Nutmeg and Cinnamon, each 2 drops; Syrup of dry'd Roses 1 ounces; mix.
It comforts the Ventricle and Intestines, recovers the Tone of the Bowels, bridles their disorderly Peristaltic Motion; concenters Acrimony, appeaseth Gripes: In a word, its an absolute Medicine furnish'd at all points (where Astriction is requir'd) to repress a Diarrhea. But here it is to be observ'd, that as long as Appetite and Digestion remain found, a Diarrhea never doth hurt. The Dose is half an ounce.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710