An Electuary against Abortion.
Take Conserve of red Roses, Marmalade of Quinces, Candy'd Nutmeg, Juice of Kermes strain'd, Syrup of Quinces, Syrup of Corall, each half an onnce; Species of Hyacinth 3 drams; Aromaticum Rosatum, Astringent Crocus of Mars, each 2 drams; Sugar of Lead 1 dram; Oil of Nutmeg 4 drops, mix.
It strengthens the Stomach, discusseth Wind, refresheth the Spirits, confirms the Ligaments and Tone of the Uterus, and egregiously comforts the Fetus. Half and ounce is to be given twice a day.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710