Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: An Erysipelas Mixture

An Erysipelas Mixture.

Take Spirit of Wine half a pint; Venice Treacle 2 ounces; long Pepper, Cloves, each 2 drams, mix.

Dr. Sydenham (whose Prescript this is) due Phlebotomy and Purging premised, useth an Emollient, Discutient, and Diaphoretic Foment, and then binds upon the part Cap Paper dipt into this Mixture, to the end that he may vent and discuss the impacted Matter.

For such things as are Emplastic, Refrigerant and Repellent, are (especially if the Erysipelas seize the Face or Head) extreamly dangerous. But the Spirit of Wine is very agreeable (saith Heide) by reason of the subtilty and motion of its Particles, which reduce the distorted Tubuli of the Cutis, and the entangled Fibres into their natural Order, and so let open the Pores, and bring forth the Matter by Diaphoresis.

And here I'll drop in a small Observation, which perhaps may not be quite useless; and that is, that this Medicine useth to change the Colour of the part and turn it black, which may possibly impose upon young Practitioner (that never used it before, and don't consider the reason) as though it were Sphacelated; whereas that blackness portends no ill, for it proceeds not from the Distemper mortifying the Spirits, but the Medicine staining the Skin.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710