An Expectorating Electuary.
Take conserve of Rosemary flowers 1 ounce; green Ginger, Millepedes powder'd (I fancy lives ones are better) each half an ounce; flower of Sulphur 2 drams; flower of Benjamin, Saffron and Virginia Tobacco, each 1 scruple; Orris root 1 dram; clarify'd Honey, 1 ounce and half; or as much as wants, mix.
It concocts cold, and cuts viscid Phlegm, opens the Bronchial Duscts, irritates the Lunges so as to provoke a Cough, and powerfully expectorated. The Dose 2 or 3 drams thrice a day.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710