An Expression of Millipedes simple.
Take live Millipedes and white Sugar, each 3 ounces; when they are well beaten and mix'd together in a Mortar, add white Wine 1 pint; and strain and squeeze out the Liquor.
Millipedes abound in Volatile Salt (as all Insects do) they incide, and dissolve tough clammy Phlegm wheresoever it sticks, attenuate, exalt and depurate the Blood, penetrate into the Glands, Nerves, Fibres, smallest Pipes and Passages, piercing through Obstructions, deterging, cleansing and comforting, and are famous for their Diuretic quality. They are used in cases of Gravel, Sand, Dropsy, Jaundise, King's-Evil, Cough, Phthisic, Consumption at the beginning, Hypochondriac Affects; Scorbutic Joint Pains, dimness of Sight. They procure and preserve a good Skin and fine Complexion, and are much celebrated for an internal Medicine in sore Breasts, Malign Phagedenic Ulcers and Cancers.
They seem not convenient for such as have hot, thin Blood: And I have heard (but can't say much to it from my own Experience) that if they be given at Night in large quantities, they will occasion scalding of Urine; and when they do so, the true Remedy of it is, Balsam of Capivy.
The Dose is 3 ounces every Morning for a long time.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710