An Expression of Piony.
Take Male Piony Roots, (fresh taken up and bruised) 4 ounces; Mistletoe cut small, 1 ounce; Canary Wine 1 pint, give them a hot and close infusion for 2 hours, then having wrung out the Liquor, add to it compound Piony Water, and compound Syrup of the same, each 2 ounces; Tincture of Castor 2 drams; Oil of Nutmegs 2 drops, mix.
It clarifies and invigorates the Brain and Nerves, and it is of use in Convuslive Maladies, Essential Headach, Megrim, Vertigo, Palsey, and Hysterick Affections.
Give 3 ounces every Night and Morning.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710