An Hydropic Lixivium.
Take sifted Ashes of Broom and Bean stalks, each 2 ounces; Juice of Parsley 4 ounces; white Wine 2 quarts; make a Lixivium, to which (when strain'd and clear) add Salt of Tartar 1 dram; Sassaphras 1 ounce; Bay and Juniper berries, Seeds of Daucus, Mustard, Cummin and Anise (all bruis'd) each half an ounce; infuse cold 2 days; then strain and add compound Radish water 4 ounces.
Let a quarter of a pint be drank twice a day, with 30 drops of Spirit of Scurvy grass, in each Dose.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710