An Hysteric Aquose Mixture.
Take Waters of Mugwort, black Cherries, each 12 ounces; of Rue, Penny royal, Bryony compound, each 8 ounces, mix.
This would I have kept always ready mixt in the Shops, to make up the Hysteric Juleps, in an instant, without expense of time, like these Formulae, viz.
Take of the Hysteric Aquose Mixture, 12 ounces; Pearl prepared 1 dram; white Sugar candy 3 drams; mix. Or,
Take of the Hysteric Aquose Mixture 10 ounces and half; Tincture of Castor 4 scruples; Syrup of Gilly flowers (or Baulm, of Mugwort, or Stechas, or Piony compound) 1 ounce and half, mix.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710