An Hysteric Spirituose Mixture.
Take Tincture of Asa Foetida (extracted with Spirit of Wine) Tincture of Galbanum, of Castor, and Spirit of Salt Armoniac (or Hartshorn) each 1 dram; Oil of Amber 32 drops, Mix.
Because the Elements of this are Heterogeneous, they can't be so perfectly mixt, but after that they'l easily run assunder, and after a little standing appear separate; but this is no great Inconvenience, 'tis just a shaking the Glass, and they'll all run in order, and unite again into a white Liquor like Milk.
Its an extraordinary Medicine for Hysteric People, and is singularly to be noted for Women in Labour, whensoever the Spirits being Hysterically confused, do not flow in plentifully, and powerfull enough to the Muscles of the Abdomen, and other Parts promoting the Birth, and so the necessary Pangs thereupon slacken and fail, and the Womb it self riseth not up to make strong efforts of Expulsion. In this Case, I say, this useth to bring as 'twere Divine help, beyond almost anything else, if 20 or 30 drops be ministred in an appropriate Vehicle, and repeated at due times.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710