Antiphthisic Tincture.
Take Sugar of Lead, and Vitriol of Mars powdered each 1 ounce; rectified Spirit of Wine 4 ounces; set it by till it extract a red Tincture, which filtre.
Ettmuller takes Vitriol of Mars 1 part, and Sugar of Lead 2 parts; and faith, the Tincture partakes not much of the Steel, but hath its chief Virtue from the Lead.
I have heard Jo. Michael was the Author of it, and that 'tis of great esteem in Germany. It restores due tone to the Bronchia, when grown lax, hinders the admission of acrid Serum, heals ruptured Vessels, extinguishes putredinous Ferment, keeps under Hectic Heat, is counted a Specific against spitting of Blood, and is a profitable Medicine in the first stage of a Consumption. Wedelius faith, it tempers the Acrimony, concentres the Halituosity, restrains the rarifaction of the Serum, and stops profuse sweating, which, if it do, it merits a very particular regard. Let 20 or 30 drops be given twice a day in an appropriate Vehicle.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710