Astringent Ale.
Take Roots of Comfery, Solomon's Seal, each 8 ounces; boil them in 6 gallons of very strong Wort to 4;strain it off, and when you Tun it up pour into it Juice of Plantain and Yarrow, each 1 pint; hang into it (in a Bag) Shepperd's Purse, Knot-grass, Sanicle, Mousear, each 4 handfuls, Raisins stoned 12 ounces: Let all work together.
It gives strength to the Blood, when its Compages is too lax, and soluable; conglutinates ruptur'd Vessels: Is of singular avail against pain and flux of the Hemorrhoids, all sorts of Bleedings, the Whites, immoderate Sweating, and Ichorose Ulcers.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710