Gallic Paste.
Take Bole 1 ounce; Burnt Alum, burnt Crust of Bread, powdered Tiles, Porcelane Ware, each 2 drams; clarified Honey as much as is sufficient to give the Consistence of Paste, beat all up together.
This is used in France, to cleanse, scour, and whiten the Teeth, to take off Filth, the Lapis dentalis, and all manner of Inquinations, and ill Smells. Every Mornig put a Little on a fine Woolen Rag, and rub the Teeth with it. But the Teeth, especially, rather than the Gums, are to be rubbed; for frequent and hard rubbing the Gums will wear and wast them away.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710