Gargle of black Thorn.
Take black Thorn bark 2 ounces; boil it in Water 2 pints and half to 24 ounces; in the strain'd dissolve Alum 4 scruples; Vinegar 2 ounces, Honey of Roses 6 ounces.
It Astringeth most powerfully, and is a good thing when Gums are grown loose, putrify'd, ill scented, eaten away, and apt to Bleed. It fastens the Teeth, and brings up new Flesh on them, it heals Ulcers, and helps stinking Breath.
Another notable effect of it is, that when the Salivale Glands are so stuff'd up, as to be over strain'd and squeezing them closer (like a Sponge) presseth out the influx'd Phlegm, and makes them able to resist the afflux of more.
But if it happens that the Pituita in the Glands be too thick and tough to be wrung out by Constringents, then recourse must be had to the above describ'd Gargle for Phlegm, or such like Medicines, as potently incide the Phlegm, and vellicate and open the Parts.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710