Juice for the Haemorrhoids.
Take the Juice of Yarrow depurated, 1 pint; White Sugar 2 ounces, mix.
When the Flux of the Haemorrhoids is seasonable and moderate, it purgeth the Body of feculent gross Blood, and preserves from, and cures many ill Distempers, such as Pleurisie, Scurvy, Leprosie, Cancer, Melancholy, Hypochondriacism, Madness, Scirrhus, Tumours of the Viscera, &c.
But if by the loss of Strength, Pain in the Back and Thighs, failing of the Appetite, squalid Habit of Body, greenish or dusky Colour, and deadness of Look, you are certainly assured that the Flux is too much, and ought to be moderated; then this (easily procured) Styptic, may bring good Assistance; and was the great Secret of a certain great Physician. And Riverius saith, the Decoction of Yarrow, used as a useful Drink, for three Days together, happily takes off the Pain of the Piles. The Dose is 3 or 4 ounces, twice a day.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710