Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: Masticatories


Take Pellitory of Spain powder'd half an ounce; Mastick 2 drams; Oil of Cloves and of wild Marjoram, each 3 drams; Oxymel of Squills, and Wax, each as much as needful to make it into Pellets.

They are convenient in Catarrhal Affections of the Head and parts adjacent, in elongation of the Uvula and Toothach. And although they do not procure an immediate Evacuation from the Brain it self, yet in as much as they bring away Lympha, they thereby avert it from the Brain; and so by Consequence do good in a Cephalalgy, Megrim, Lethargy, Apoplexy, Palsy, &c.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710