Pectoral Unguent.
Take yellow Wax 6 drams; Sperma Ceti, Oil of Mace express'd wach 2 drams; Oil of sweet Almonds 3 ounces; Oil of Nutmeg 16 drops; Oil of Cloves 8 drops: Mix.
It's a very fine, yellow, fragrant, comfortable Ungent; and has the same Virtues with the Pectoral Plaister.
It's generally to be observ'd, in the external use of Chymical Oils, that they are to be apply'd not alone, but mixed with Wax, and Fats, that they may adhere to the Skin the better, otherwise they will be apt to be dissipated, and evaporated into the Air.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710