Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: Ptisan


Take Quich Grass roots 3 ounces; Liquorice, shavings of Harts horn and Ivory, each 2 drams; Raisins of the Sun 1 ounce and half; boil in depurated Barly water 3 pints to 1 quart; in the strain'd liquor dissolve Salt Nitre 4 scruples; Syrup of Violets 1 ounce, mix.

Its a Drink for People in Fevers, and pleasant enough; quencheth Thirst, mitigates Fervours, succours the Lungs, and provokes Urine.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710