Solenander's Pills.
Take Musk 8 grains; Dragon's Blood, white Sugar, each I scruple; make all up with Balm of Gilead into Pills, for 4 Doses.
These are conducive for such as are troubled with Vomiting, Hiccough, Fainting, and sometimes also, Mother Fits.
The Smell of Musk and Civet makes Hypochondriac and Hysteric Persons swoon away; but when they are taken in Substance, they are so far from being injurious to them, that they most effectually stop and restrain Hysteric Fits, faith Ettmuller.
Now, I conceive, they are most especially agreeable, not where the Spirits are suriously exploded, upon the account of their Plenty and Turgescence, but where they fall into Confusion, and are put out of array, because of their Want and Weakness. For Musk exagitates the Blood after a potent manner, and mightily refreshes the Spirits.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710