Splanchnic Powder.
Take Ashtree rind half a scruple; Rhubarb 5 grains; Spikenard, Saffron, each 2 grains; long Pepper 1 grain; make them into a Powder. To which may Chalybeats be added, pro re nata.
It removes Obstructions of the Viscera, corrects depraved Ferments, repressed spasmodic Flatulencies, rouseth up a languishing Appetite, and alleviates pain and tension of the Hypochondria.
As a Porrigo or a Leprosy, which have their Minera in the cutaneous Glands, though they are external Maladies, and lie fair and open enough for the application of Remedies; and yet are most excessively pertinacious and difficult of Cure. Even so may we conceive of the Hypochondriac Affections, that they have their Minera in the Glands of the Ventricle and Viscera, and remotesh Parts; and there (by reason of some vicious, unconquerable Ferment spew'd out) deprave Chylification, and raise Hurry and Conturbations. And since its an internal Distemper, and wholly uncapable of having the Touch of immediate Applications, its no wonder at all, if it be most stubborn, and almost uncurable.
This Age produces a set of idle shallow, shewish Men, that are for short cut forsooth into Physic, without the Expence of that Learning that it cost our Forefathers. To bring this about, they read no Books, despise Pharmacy, cry down Hypotheses, crowd up Theory, confound Distempers; and tho' they affect to be call'd rational Practicers, are, in truth, scarce tolerable Emperics. I know that Fetids will repress Vapours in Women, but will seldom touch upon the Flatus of Men. Why then must Hystericism and Hypochondriacism be confusedly jumbl'd together, and accounted the same, and all their difference be in Degree? Why do we not rather let them be different, as to both Place and Essence? And then, why do we not study out, and settle their particular Remedies and method of Cure? But perhaps this Parergon may raise the Spleen in some sort of Readers, I therefore stop short.
Let a Dose be taken in a draught of white Wine every Morning and Afternoon, for a course of some Weeks.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710