Stomachic Pills.
Take powdered Cinnamon, Mace, Nutmeg, each 1 scruple; Cloves, long Pepper, Balaustines, each half a scruple; extract of Gentian 1 dram and half, Elixir of Propriety, as much as will reduce them into a fit Mass, whereof roll up large Pills, that they may remain, and be the longer a Dissolving in the Stomach.
They warm, comfort, and strengthen the Stomach, discuss Wind, restore lost Appetite, take away Loathing of Meat, assist Concoction, and stop vomiting.
He that helps a weak Stomach with hot things, must leave them off again, as soon as ever he perceives the Urine grow high coloured, faith Walleus. But, I suppose, this is rather spoken of Vinous Spirits, than Aromatics and Bitters.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710