Syrup of hounds-tongue.
Take juice of Hounds-tongue (clarify'd by coction) and fine Sugar each 1 pound and half; boil it up to a Syrup.
The whole Body of Physicians hath, all along, with a general Voice, attributed to this Plant a soporiferous Quality; and therefore it's made the Basis of Pil. de Cynoglosso. Nay, Schroder faith, because it's suspected to contain a virulent (or venomous) Narcoticism, its seldom us'd. Thus may a good Medicine (as well as Physician) be vogu'd down by a groundless fancy! I profess I have us'd this Syrup a multitude of times, and I could never yet find it cause sleep, or be in the least virulent; but I often experimented it to be a great Remedy, second to none, against hot, sharp, thin, Catarrhous Humours, and a Cough occasioned thereby.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710