The Arabic Emulsion.
Take Gum Arabick 1 ounce; bruise and boil it in fine Barly water 1 quart; 'till it be wholly dissolved; with this solution, and Mallow seed, white Poppy seed, and sweet Almonds blanch'd, each half an ounce; make an Emulsion according to art; to which add Sugar of Lead 16 grains, Syrup of Marsh Mallows 3 ounces; mix.
In any scalding of Urine, caused either be Acrimony of the Blood, or by Epispasticks, or gravelly Sand, it's a present Remedy. The Dose 4 or 6 ounces, two, three, four or more times a day.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710