The Decoction called Sanctum.
Take Guaiacum 1 ounce; boil it in Water 2 quarts to 1 quart; adding (when it is half boil'd) Raisins 1 ounce; Spanish Juice of Liquorice 2 drams, and so strain it: Sometimes I add Japanic Earth 2 drams. Sometimes I omit the Raisins and Liquorice, and in their stead (when its boil'd enough) add Conserve of red Roses 2 ounces; and when its strain'd sweeten it further with Syrup of Juice of Hounds Tongue 2 ounces.
'Tis true,its a simple, easie, and cheap thing, but for all that a pleasanter and perhaps more efficacious, than those that use to be heaped up ( and sometimes clog'd) with a pompous Apparatus, and numerous Hodg-podg of ill sorted Ingredients. It enjoys the same Virtues with the Decoction of Woods, which see. Perhaps it may in a singular manner correct Acids, for Mayow (p.37.) saith Spirit of Vitriol, drop'd into a Decoction of Guaiacum, will ferment with it.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710