The Scarlet Decoction.
Take Nitre in Crystals 1 ounce; white Sugar 4 ounces; Cochineal 16 grains or 1 scruple; powder all together, and put it into boiling Water 1 quart; continue it boiling just long enough to scum it, then let it cool, and when its settled decant the clear.
Because of its beautiful, resplendant red Colour, it recommends it self to the Eye, and is no very unpleasant thing to the Palate neither. Truly I have tried many forms, and never could yet find out a more grateful one, of giving Salt Prunel. It allayeth the Fevor of the Blood, quencheth Thirst, provokes Urine, and is a very convenient drink in Inflammatory Fevers without Malignity, and especially in Plurisies: It also stoppeth Bleedings, and driveth out Gravel and Sand.
The Patient may take a quarter of a pint twice or thrice a day. I have tried at greater quantities, and given the whole quart in the Morning, in two Hours time, but it had a different effect from what I design'd for it proved Emetick. I hope the Reader will take this fair account of my Miscarriage in good part.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710