Unguent for shrinking of the Sinews.
Take Nerve Ointment 1 ounce; Neats-foot Oil, Oil of Earth- worms, Bullocks-fat Marrow (that droppeth out of a boil'd Marrow- bone) each half an ounce; fine Turpentine 2 drams; liquid Storax, Sperma Ceti each 1 dram; Oil of Anniseed 12 drops: Mix up an Unguent.
When a Limb, struck with a dead Palsie, begins to grow cold, wast away, lose its motion, and shrink up: In this difficult Case, such a remedy as this, used with good froction, sometimes is helpful. For by means of its suppleing, oily Substance; it mollifies and relaxes the dry, hard, contracted, carneous Fibres; by means of its Balsamic, and Aromatic Parts; it revives and roborates the benumbed, weak, nervous Fibres. And lastly, when good rubbing is added to the rest, one may well hope, that the Blood, and Spirits may be drawn more plentifully into the part; and that natural Heat, and Tone, and Nourishment may be restored to the Member again.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710