Water of Millepedes.
Take live Millepeds 1 pint and half; fresh Orange and Lemon Peel, each 3 ounces; white Bread 12 ounces; Nutmeg 6 drams; juice of Scabious and Cleavers, each 1 pint; Whey 3 quarts; Make Distillation.
The Peels ought to be green, and juicy; for tho' Aromatic Herbs (such as Mint, and Thyme) yield forth more Chymical Oil when dry, than green and clogg'd with Phlegm; yet on the contrary, Orange and Lemon Peel afford most Oil (and consequently most Tast, Smell and Virtue) before they are dry'd.
It depurates the Blood, clears the Nerves, carries off by Urine; is useful in Distempers of the Brain, and Genus Nervosum; in scorbutic Joint-pains, Gout, Spleen, Phthisic, Consumption, King's-Evil, weakness of the Eyes. See more in Expression of Millepedes simple.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710