Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Buchan's Domestic Medicine : Electuary for the Gonorrhoea.

Electuary for the Gonorrhoea.

Take of lenitive electuary, three ounces; jalap and rhubarb, in powder, of each two drachms; nitre, half an ounce; simple syrup, enough to make an electuary.

During the inflammation and tension of the urinary passages, which accompany a virulent gonorrhoea, this cooling laxative may be used with advantage.

The dose is a drachm, or about the bulk of a nutmegtwo or three times a-day; more or less, as may be necessary to keep the body gently open.

An electuary made of cream of tartar and simple syrup will occasionally supply the place of this.

After the inflammation is gone off, the following electuary may used:

Take of lenitive electuary, two ounces; balsam of capivi, one ounce; gum guaiacum and rhubarb, in powder, of each two drachms; simple syrup, enough to make an electuary. The dose is the same as of the preceding.

William Buchan
Domestic Medicine 2nd edition 1785