Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Boyle's Court and Country Guide for London in 1817

Boyle's Court Guide for 1817

From 1792 onwards, if you wanted to know the Earl next door, or indeed where any member of the ton lived in London, you would consult Boyle's Court and Country Guide. You can find more details <here>.

I have taken the 1817 version, cleaned up the rather dodgy OCR text from Google, and put it into a searchable database. You can do general searches <here> or look at some of the already sorted examples below.

As always, this material is presented as is with no guarantees as to accuracy, although I have done my best. OCR often has problems with numbers (confusing 3 with 8, for example) so if a street number looks wrong, it may well be. If you do find any issues you can contact me using the Contact Page.

Complete Listings

The complete listings are over 8,000 entries. You may find it more convenient to use one of the pre-processed categories below, or use the <Search Page>.

Where People Live

Grouped by Title/Category and ordered by street name. Use these links to see which streets contain the most Earls and similar.

Male Nobility

Independent Females

Women listed separately from any husbands or brothers.
