Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Domestic Medicine Index: Confections to Draughts


Japonic Confection.


Take of Japan earth, three ounces; tormentil root, nutmeg, olibanum, of each two ounces; opium dissolved in a sufficient quantity of Lisbon wine, a drachm and a half; simple syrup and conserve of rose...

Conserve and Preserve

Candied Orange Peel.


Soak Seville orange-peel in several waters, till it loses its bitterness; then boil it in a solution of double refined sugar in water, till it becomes tender and transparent.

Conserve of Red Roses.


Take a pound of red rose buds, cleared of their heels; beat them well in a mortar, and, adding by degrees two pounds of double refined sugar, in powder, make a conserve.

Conserve of Sloes.


This may be made by boiling the sloes gently in water, being careful to take them out before they burst: afterwards expressing the juice, and beating it up with three times its weight of fine sugar.


Compound Decoction of the Bark.


Take of Peruvian bark and Virginian snake-root, grossly powdered, each three drachms. Boil them in a pint of water to one half. To the strained liquor add an ounce and a half of aromatic water.

Decoction of Althea.


Take of the roots of marsh-mallows, moderately dried, three ounces; raisins of the sun, one ounce; water, three pints. Boil the ingredients in the water till the one third of it is consumed; afterward...

Decoction of Logwood.


Boil three ounces of the shavings, or chips, of logwood, in four pints of water, till one half of the liquor is wasted. Two or three ounces of simple cinnamon-water may be added to this decoction.

Decoction of Sarsaparilla.


Take of fresh sarsaparilla root, sliced and bruised, two ounces; shavings of guaiacum wood, one ounce. Boil over a slow fire, in three quarts of water, to one; adding towards the end, half an ounce of...

Decoction of Seneka.


Take of seneka rattle-snake root, one ounce; water, a pint and a half. Boil to one pint, and strain.

Decoction of the Bark.


Boil an ounce of the Peruvian bark, grossly powdered, in a pint and a half of water to one pint; then strain the decoction. If a tea-spoonful of the weak spirit of vitriol be added to this medicine, i...

The Common Decoction.


Take of camomile flowers, one ounce; elder flowers, and sweet fennel seeds, of each half an ounce; water, two quarts. Boil them for a little, and then strain the decoction.

White Decoction.


Take of the purest chalk, in powder, two ounces; gum arabic half an ounce; water, three pints. Boil to one quart, and strain the decoction.


Anodyne Draught.


Take of liquid laudanum, twenty-five drops; simple cinnamon-water, an ounce; common syrup, two drachms. Mix them.

Diuretic Draught.


Take of the diuretic salt two scruples; syrup of poppies, two drachms; simple cinnamon-water and common-water, of each an ounce.

Purging Draughts.


Take of manna, an ounce; soluble tartar, or Rochel salt, from three to four drachms. Dissolve in three ounces of boiling water; to which add Jamaica pepper-water, half an ounce.

Sweating Draught.


Take spirit of Minererus, two ounces; salt of hartshorn, five grains; simple cinnamon-water, and syrup of poppies, of each half an ounce. Make them into a draught.

Vomiting Draughts.


Take of ipecacuanha, in powder, a scruple; water, an ounce; simple syrup, a drachm. Mix them.