Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea Index: Powders

The Pharmacopeia Extemporanea

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1. Colic Powder.

Take Sperma Zedoary 6 drams; Balsam of Peru 12 drops, mix for 6 Doses.

1. Styptic Powder.

Take Troches of Lemnian Earth, Bole, each 1 dram; Hematites Stone, Dragons blood, Mastick, Gum Arabic, each half a dram, make all into a Powder.

2. Colic Powder.

1. Colic Powder.

Take Sperma Zedoary 6 drams; Balsam of Peru 12 drops, mix for 6 Doses.

1. Styptic Powder.

Take Troches of Lemnian Earth, Bole, each 1 dram; Hematites Stone, Dragons blood, Mastick, Gum Arabic, each half a dram, make all into a Powder.

2. Colic Powder.

Take Sperma Ceti washed, white Sugar, each half a dram; Castor 3 grains; powder it for a single Dose.

2. Diuretic Powder.

Take Aniseed 1 dram and half; Salt of Amber half a dram; Oil of Nutmeg 3 drops, make a Powder for 3 Doses.

2. Stomach Powder.

Take Florentine Orris, Aromatic Reed, each 2 drams; Cubebs, Nutmeg, Mace, Cloves, Calamite Storax, Benjamin, each 1 dram; Oil of Caraway, Mint, Rhodium, each 2 drops; Oil of Wormwood 1 drop; powder grosly and mix.

2. Styptic Powder.

Take Astringent Crocus of Mars, Seeds of white Poppy and Henbane, each 1 dram and 12 grains; Sugar of Lead 24 grains, make a Powder for 8 Doses.

A Powder for Strumae.

Take Rocket seed and Poultry Bones dry'd in an Oven, as much as you will, beat both into Powder and mix.

Alexipharmac Powder.

Take Goa-Stone, Contrayerva Stone, Gascoign Powder, Virginia Snake root, each 5 grains, make a Powder.

Amber Powder.

Take Species Diambre, powder of Crabs claws compound, each I dram; Oil of Cinnamon 1 drop, mix for 6 Doses.

An Astringent Powder.

Take Balaustines half a scruple; Cinnamon, Nutmeg, each 4 grains; Cochineal 2 grains; Sugar of Roses 1 scruple; make it into Powder for 1 Dose.

Anthelminthic Powder.

Take Coralline prepared 1 dram; Mineral Ethiops (made without Fire) half a dram; Oil of Wormwood 1 drop, make it into Powder.

Anthelminthic purging Powder.

Take Scammony prepared 6 grains; Rhubard 4 grains; Calomel half a scruple, make a powder for a Child 6 or 8 Years old.

Arabic Powder.

Take Gum Arabic, white Sugar candy, each half an ounce; Oil of sweet Almonds 16 drops; make a powder for 8 Doses.

Aromatic Powder.

Take Cinnamon, Mace, Nutmeg, Cloves, Ginger, each 8 grains; Seeds of Anise, Caraway, Coriander, sweet Fennel, Bay berries, each 16 grains; Loaf Sugar 2 drams; make all into a powder for 8 Doses.

Arthritic Powder.

Take Ground Pine, Southern wood, each half a scruple, Gum of Guaiacum, white Sugar, each 1 scruple; Oil of Sassaphras 1 drop; mix for a single Dose.

Balsamic Powder.

Take Balsam of Tolu half a scruple; Benjamin, Myrrh, each 5 grains; Balsam of Peru 1 drop; white Sugar candy 1 scruple, mix.

Bezoartic Powder.

Take Powder of Crabs claws compound, Goa and Contrayerva Stone, Oriental Bezoar, each 5 grains; half a leaf of Gold, mix.

Bitter Stomach Powder.

Take Virginy Snake root, Zedoary, Gentian, Elecampane, each 5 grains; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop, make a Powder.

Capillary Powder.

Take roots of Orris 1 ounce; Male Piony half an ounce; Spanish Angelica 2 drams; yellow Sanders, Nutmeg, Mace, Cloves, each half a dram; Liquid Storax, Balsam of Peru, each 4 grains; Oil of Rosemary, Lavender, each 2 drops; make all into a Powder.

Cardialgic Powder.

Take soft white Chalk (wash'd in Rose Water) half an ounce; Crabs Eyes, Liquorice, white Sugar, each 4 scruples; Oil of Nutmeg, Cloves, each 2 drops; make it up for 8 Doses.

Carminative Powder.

Take Seeds of Anise and sweet Fennel, each 26 grains; Nutmeg, Cinnamon, each 18 grains; long Pepper, Cloves, each 6 grains; Mastick 1 scruple, mix for 6 Doses.

Cephalic Powder.

Take Powder de Gutteta, native Cinnaber prepared, each half an ounce, mix.

Chalybeate Powder.

Take rust of Iron powder'd and searced 8 scruples; Salt of Steel, Saffron, Ginger, each 1 scruple; Aniseed 5 scruples; Mace 4 scruples; white Sugar 10 scruples, make all into a Powder for 20 Doses.

Comfrey Powder compound.

Take the root of Comfrey that bears a red flower, Mouse Flesh dried in an Oven, Hogs claw, Bucks priapus, each as much as you please, make a powder of all and mix.

Common Cathartic Powder.

Take Rosin of Jalap, Scammony prepared; each 5 grains; Senna, Cream of Tartar, each half a scruple; Oil of Cloves 1 drop, mix.

Damask Powder.

Take roots of Orris 1 pound; Calamus aromatic, Cypcrus, each 4 ounces; Marjoram 1 ounce; Damask Roses, Nutmeg, Cloves, Storax calamite, Benjamin, Labdanum, each 2 ounces; make all into a gross Powder.

Dentalgic Powder.

Take Tobacco 1 scruple; Ginger, Flower of Sulphur, each half a scruple; mix.

Diaphoretic Powder.

Take Virginia Snake root, Spanish Angelica root, Contrayerva, each 5 grains; Myrrh 3 grains; Saffron 2 grains, mix.

Edulcorating Powder.

Take Lemnian Earth 1 scruple; red Coral, Crabs Eyes, Egg and Oister-shells,each 5 grains; powder and mix all.

Emmenagogue Powder.

Take Venetian Borace 15 grains, Myrrh 12 grains, Saffron 3 grains, Oyl of Cloves 1 drop, mix.

Epidemial Powder.

Take Troches of Vipers 1 dram, Virginia Snake-root, Contrayerva, each half a dram mix.

Eye-Bright Powder compound.

Take Eye-bright 3 drams, Mace 1 dram, make it into a fine Powder.

Eye-bright Powder more compound.

Take Eye-bright half an ounce, sweet Fennelseed 2 drams, Mace, Nutmeg each 1 dram, White Sugar 1 ounce. Make all into Powder.

Febrisic Powder.

The Salt of Wormwood half a dram, Diaphoretic Antimony, I dram, Camomile-flowers 2 drams and a half. Make a Powder for 8 Doses, to be taken every 3 or 4 hours between Fits.

Gum Lac Powder compound.

Take Gum Lac 2 drams; astringent Crocus of Mars 3 drams; Dragons Blood 1 dram; make of it a subtile Powder.

hemoptoic Powder.

Take Seeds of Henbane, White Poppy each 2 drams, Sealed Earth, Hematites each 1 dram, Sugar of Roses 6 drams mix.

hibernic Powder.

Take Irish Slate 15 grains; Salt of Amber 3 grains; Salt of Harts horn 2 grains; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop, mix.

hysteric Powder.

Take roots of white Bryony 1 dram; Piony rose bearing a white flower 2 drams; Castor 2 scruples; Salt of Amber 1 scruple; Oil of Amber 4 drops, make a Powder.

I. Diuretic Powder.

Take Prunel Stone 1 dram; Egg shells calcined 2 scruples; Salt of Amber 1 scruple; white Sugar 2 drams, make it into Powder.

Incrassating Powder.

Take marsh Mallow root, Gum Arabic, Dragons Blood, Liquorice, each 5 grains; beat all into a fine Powder.

Laxative Powder.

Take Senna and Cream of Tartar, each as much as you will, and reduce them into a Powder.

Marjoram Powder compound.

Take Marjoram, Arabian Stechas flowers, each 5 grains; Nutmeg 3 grains; Mustard seed 2 grains; Oil Sassaphras 1 drop, make all into Powder.

Mastic Powder compound.

Take Mastic, Olibanum, Japanic Earth, Flower of Sulphur, each 5 grains; Sugar candy 1 scruple; powder all. Its of egregious use in a Catarrh, and emulates the Electuary of Mastic.

Mayerns Powder de Gutteta.

Take Male Piony-root, Seed of the same, White Amber, Crystal, Harts-horn vitriolated each 3 drams, Humane Cranium both crude and vitriolated each half an ounce, Calamus aromatic, Misselto of the Oak, Box-wood each 2 drams and a half, Red Coral, Coralline,...

Myrrh Powder compound.

Take Myrrh, Savine, Grains of Paradise, each 5 grains; Saffron 3 grains; Castor 2 grains; Oil of Amber 1 drop, make a Powder.

Nephritic Powder.

Take Smalage and Saxifrage roots, each 2 drams; Crabs Eyes I dram; vitriolated Tartar, Prunel stone, each 2 scruples; Cream of Tartar 4 scruples; Oil of Juniper 4 drops, make all into a Powder.

Nitrous Powder.

Take Prunel stone 1 dram and half; Cinnaber of Antimony half a dram; white Sugar half an ounce; reduce all to a Powder.

Nutmeg Powder compound.

Take Nutmegs half an ounce; Cinnamon 2 drams; Mace, Cloves Marjoram, Betony, Rosemary, Lavender flowers, each 1 dram, make all into a Powder.

Odoriferous Powder.

Take Rhodium Wood half an ounce, yellow Sanders, Damask Roses, Florentine Orris, each 2 drams; Spanish Angelica root 4 scruples; Mace half a dram; Apoplectic Balsam half a scruple; Oil of Cloves 6 drops, beat them into a gross Powder.

Orange peel Powder compound.

Take the thin yellow peel of Orange, Cummin seed, each 12 grains; Castor 5 grains; long Pepper 1 grain; Oil of Juniper I drop, make a Powder.

Panchymagagogue Powder.

Take Cream of Tartar half an ounce; Senna 1 ounce; Rhubarb 6 drams; Scammony 2 drams; Mace half an ounce; beat all up to a Powder.

Peacock Powder.

Take the white part of Peacocks Dung 15 grains; Salt of Amber 5 grains; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop; reduce them to a Powder.

Pearl Powder compound.

Take Pearl Oriental, white Coral, each half an ounce; Crabs Eyes 1 ounce; levigate them into an absolute Alcohol, on a Marble.

Pectoral Powder.

Take Sulphur vive, Florentine Orris, Liquorice, Aniseed, each 5 grains; Sugar candy 1 scruple; make these into Powder.

Peptic Powder.

Take Seeds of Coriander half an ounce; Anise, swees Fennel, each 4 scruple; Nutmeg half a dram; Cinnamon, Cloves, each I scruple; long Pepper half a scruple, white Sugar 1 ounce, of these make a Powder for 16 Doses.

Piony Powder compound.

Take Male Piony root, Humane Cranium, each 5 grains; native Cinnaber half a scruple; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop; bring it to a Powder.

Pleuritic Powder.

Take Olibanum half a scruple; Crabs Eyes, Flower of Sulphur, each 5 grains; reduce them to a Powder.

Powder against Abortion.

Take Kermes berries 1 dram; red Sanders, Tormentile root, each half a dram; Cloves, Pearl, red Coral, each 1 scruple; pearled Manus Christi 3 drams; Leaves of Gold 3, make all into a Powder.

Powder against Haemorrhagies.

Take Astringent Crocus of Mars half a scruple; Dragons Blood 5 grains; Alum 3 grains; Sugar of Lead 2 grains, make all into Powder.

Powder for a Bruise.

Take Irish Slate, Mumy, each 12 grains; Salt of Amber, Salt of Harts born, each 3 grains, mix.

Powder in an hernia.

Take of Solomon's Seal and Comfrey Roots, Aniseed, each 1 dram; make a Powder.

Powder of Angelica compound.

Take Spanish Angelica root 5 grains; Japanic Earth 15 grains; Species of Hyacinth half a scruple; Oil of Cinnamon 1 drop, make all into Powder.

Powder of Crabs Eyes compound.

Take Crabs Eyes ground on a Marble 1 dram; Cream of Tartar half a dram; Salt of Wormwood, Prunel, each 12 grains; Salt of Amber 6 grains; make all into a Powder for 6 Doses, to be given twice or thrice a Day.

Powder of Millepedes compound.

Take Millepedes prepared 12 grains; Saffron 3 grains; Flower of Benjamin, Salt of Amber, each 2 grains; Ginger 1 grain; Oil of Aniseed 1 drop; Bring all to a Powder.

Splanchnic Powder.

Take Ashtree rind half a scruple; Rhubarb 5 grains; Spikenard, Saffron, each 2 grains; long Pepper 1 grain; make them into a Powder. To which may Chalybeats be added, pro re nata.

Sternutatory Powder.

Take Florentine Orris 1 scruple; white Hellebore half a scruple; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop, make a Powder.

Stomach Powder.

Take Spanish Angelica root, Mint, Cinnamon, each 1 scruple; Mace 12 grains; Balaustines long Pepper, each 4 grains; Oil Wormwood 1 drop; white loaf Sugar 4 scruples; make all into a Powder for 4 Doses.

Tartar Powder compound.

Take Cream of Tartar 5 drams; Balaustines 1 dram; Spirit of Vitriol enough to make it pretty tart, mix up a Powder.

The Womans Powder.

Take Astringent Crocus of Steel half a scruple; Spikenard, Species of Hyacinth, each 5 grains, bring all into a fine Powder. Its of great Service to correct the laxity of the Uterus, hinder a Flux of Blood, and consequently prevent Miscarriage. Let it be...

Tilingius his Powder.

Take Crystals of Tartar, Pearch stone, Crabs Eyes, each 1 dram; Salt of Amber half a dram; white Sugar 3 drams and half; make a Powder adding Oil of Aniseed 5 drops.

Uvular Powder.

Take Japanic Earth, Balaustines, each 1 scruple; Alnm, long Pepper, each half a scruple, Powder and mix.

Viper Powder compound.

Take Troches of Vipers (or rather flesh dry'd) 15 grains; Salt of Amber 3 grains; Saffron 2 grains; make a Powder.

Take Sperma Ceti washed, white Sugar, each half a dram; Castor 3 grains; powder it for a single Dose.

2. Diuretic Powder.

Take Aniseed 1 dram and half; Salt of Amber half a dram; Oil of Nutmeg 3 drops, make a Powder for 3 Doses.

2. Stomach Powder.

Take Florentine Orris, Aromatic Reed, each 2 drams; Cubebs, Nutmeg, Mace, Cloves, Calamite Storax, Benjamin, each 1 dram; Oil of Caraway, Mint, Rhodium, each 2 drops; Oil of Wormwood 1 drop; powder grosly and mix.

2. Styptic Powder.

Take Astringent Crocus of Mars, Seeds of white Poppy and Henbane, each 1 dram and 12 grains; Sugar of Lead 24 grains, make a Powder for 8 Doses.

A Powder for Strumae.

Take Rocket seed and Poultry Bones dry'd in an Oven, as much as you will, beat both into Powder and mix.

1. Colic Powder.

Take Sperma Zedoary 6 drams; Balsam of Peru 12 drops, mix for 6 Doses.

1. Styptic Powder.

Take Troches of Lemnian Earth, Bole, each 1 dram; Hematites Stone, Dragons blood, Mastick, Gum Arabic, each half a dram, make all into a Powder.

2. Colic Powder.

Take Sperma Ceti washed, white Sugar, each half a dram; Castor 3 grains; powder it for a single Dose.

2. Diuretic Powder.

Take Aniseed 1 dram and half; Salt of Amber half a dram; Oil of Nutmeg 3 drops, make a Powder for 3 Doses.

2. Stomach Powder.

Take Florentine Orris, Aromatic Reed, each 2 drams; Cubebs, Nutmeg, Mace, Cloves, Calamite Storax, Benjamin, each 1 dram; Oil of Caraway, Mint, Rhodium, each 2 drops; Oil of Wormwood 1 drop; powder grosly and mix.

2. Styptic Powder.

Take Astringent Crocus of Mars, Seeds of white Poppy and Henbane, each 1 dram and 12 grains; Sugar of Lead 24 grains, make a Powder for 8 Doses.

A Powder for Strumae.

Take Rocket seed and Poultry Bones dry'd in an Oven, as much as you will, beat both into Powder and mix.

Alexipharmac Powder.

Take Goa-Stone, Contrayerva Stone, Gascoign Powder, Virginia Snake root, each 5 grains, make a Powder.

Amber Powder.

Take Species Diambre, powder of Crabs claws compound, each I dram; Oil of Cinnamon 1 drop, mix for 6 Doses.

An Astringent Powder.

Take Balaustines half a scruple; Cinnamon, Nutmeg, each 4 grains; Cochineal 2 grains; Sugar of Roses 1 scruple; make it into Powder for 1 Dose.

Anthelminthic Powder.

Take Coralline prepared 1 dram; Mineral Ethiops (made without Fire) half a dram; Oil of Wormwood 1 drop, make it into Powder.

Anthelminthic purging Powder.

Take Scammony prepared 6 grains; Rhubard 4 grains; Calomel half a scruple, make a powder for a Child 6 or 8 Years old.

Arabic Powder.

Take Gum Arabic, white Sugar candy, each half an ounce; Oil of sweet Almonds 16 drops; make a powder for 8 Doses.

Aromatic Powder.

Take Cinnamon, Mace, Nutmeg, Cloves, Ginger, each 8 grains; Seeds of Anise, Caraway, Coriander, sweet Fennel, Bay berries, each 16 grains; Loaf Sugar 2 drams; make all into a powder for 8 Doses.

Arthritic Powder.

Take Ground Pine, Southern wood, each half a scruple, Gum of Guaiacum, white Sugar, each 1 scruple; Oil of Sassaphras 1 drop; mix for a single Dose.

Balsamic Powder.

Take Balsam of Tolu half a scruple; Benjamin, Myrrh, each 5 grains; Balsam of Peru 1 drop; white Sugar candy 1 scruple, mix.

Bezoartic Powder.

Take Powder of Crabs claws compound, Goa and Contrayerva Stone, Oriental Bezoar, each 5 grains; half a leaf of Gold, mix.

Bitter Stomach Powder.

Take Virginy Snake root, Zedoary, Gentian, Elecampane, each 5 grains; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop, make a Powder.

Capillary Powder.

Take roots of Orris 1 ounce; Male Piony half an ounce; Spanish Angelica 2 drams; yellow Sanders, Nutmeg, Mace, Cloves, each half a dram; Liquid Storax, Balsam of Peru, each 4 grains; Oil of Rosemary, Lavender, each 2 drops; make all into a Powder.

Cardialgic Powder.

Take soft white Chalk (wash'd in Rose Water) half an ounce; Crabs Eyes, Liquorice, white Sugar, each 4 scruples; Oil of Nutmeg, Cloves, each 2 drops; make it up for 8 Doses.

Carminative Powder.

Take Seeds of Anise and sweet Fennel, each 26 grains; Nutmeg, Cinnamon, each 18 grains; long Pepper, Cloves, each 6 grains; Mastick 1 scruple, mix for 6 Doses.

Cephalic Powder.

Take Powder de Gutteta, native Cinnaber prepared, each half an ounce, mix.

Chalybeate Powder.

Take rust of Iron powder'd and searced 8 scruples; Salt of Steel, Saffron, Ginger, each 1 scruple; Aniseed 5 scruples; Mace 4 scruples; white Sugar 10 scruples, make all into a Powder for 20 Doses.

Comfrey Powder compound.

Take the root of Comfrey that bears a red flower, Mouse Flesh dried in an Oven, Hogs claw, Bucks priapus, each as much as you please, make a powder of all and mix.

Common Cathartic Powder.

Take Rosin of Jalap, Scammony prepared; each 5 grains; Senna, Cream of Tartar, each half a scruple; Oil of Cloves 1 drop, mix.

Damask Powder.

Take roots of Orris 1 pound; Calamus aromatic, Cypcrus, each 4 ounces; Marjoram 1 ounce; Damask Roses, Nutmeg, Cloves, Storax calamite, Benjamin, Labdanum, each 2 ounces; make all into a gross Powder.

Dentalgic Powder.

Take Tobacco 1 scruple; Ginger, Flower of Sulphur, each half a scruple; mix.

Diaphoretic Powder.

Take Virginia Snake root, Spanish Angelica root, Contrayerva, each 5 grains; Myrrh 3 grains; Saffron 2 grains, mix.

Edulcorating Powder.

Take Lemnian Earth 1 scruple; red Coral, Crabs Eyes, Egg and Oister-shells,each 5 grains; powder and mix all.

Emmenagogue Powder.

Take Venetian Borace 15 grains, Myrrh 12 grains, Saffron 3 grains, Oyl of Cloves 1 drop, mix.

Epidemial Powder.

Take Troches of Vipers 1 dram, Virginia Snake-root, Contrayerva, each half a dram mix.

Eye-Bright Powder compound.

Take Eye-bright 3 drams, Mace 1 dram, make it into a fine Powder.

Eye-bright Powder more compound.

Take Eye-bright half an ounce, sweet Fennelseed 2 drams, Mace, Nutmeg each 1 dram, White Sugar 1 ounce. Make all into Powder.

Febrisic Powder.

The Salt of Wormwood half a dram, Diaphoretic Antimony, I dram, Camomile-flowers 2 drams and a half. Make a Powder for 8 Doses, to be taken every 3 or 4 hours between Fits.

Gum Lac Powder compound.

Take Gum Lac 2 drams; astringent Crocus of Mars 3 drams; Dragons Blood 1 dram; make of it a subtile Powder.

hemoptoic Powder.

Take Seeds of Henbane, White Poppy each 2 drams, Sealed Earth, Hematites each 1 dram, Sugar of Roses 6 drams mix.

hibernic Powder.

Take Irish Slate 15 grains; Salt of Amber 3 grains; Salt of Harts horn 2 grains; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop, mix.

hysteric Powder.

Take roots of white Bryony 1 dram; Piony rose bearing a white flower 2 drams; Castor 2 scruples; Salt of Amber 1 scruple; Oil of Amber 4 drops, make a Powder.

I. Diuretic Powder.

Take Prunel Stone 1 dram; Egg shells calcined 2 scruples; Salt of Amber 1 scruple; white Sugar 2 drams, make it into Powder.

Incrassating Powder.

Take marsh Mallow root, Gum Arabic, Dragons Blood, Liquorice, each 5 grains; beat all into a fine Powder.

Laxative Powder.

Take Senna and Cream of Tartar, each as much as you will, and reduce them into a Powder.

Marjoram Powder compound.

Take Marjoram, Arabian Stechas flowers, each 5 grains; Nutmeg 3 grains; Mustard seed 2 grains; Oil Sassaphras 1 drop, make all into Powder.

Mastic Powder compound.

Take Mastic, Olibanum, Japanic Earth, Flower of Sulphur, each 5 grains; Sugar candy 1 scruple; powder all. Its of egregious use in a Catarrh, and emulates the Electuary of Mastic.

Mayerns Powder de Gutteta.

Take Male Piony-root, Seed of the same, White Amber, Crystal, Harts-horn vitriolated each 3 drams, Humane Cranium both crude and vitriolated each half an ounce, Calamus aromatic, Misselto of the Oak, Box-wood each 2 drams and a half, Red Coral, Coralline,...

Myrrh Powder compound.

Take Myrrh, Savine, Grains of Paradise, each 5 grains; Saffron 3 grains; Castor 2 grains; Oil of Amber 1 drop, make a Powder.

Nephritic Powder.

Take Smalage and Saxifrage roots, each 2 drams; Crabs Eyes I dram; vitriolated Tartar, Prunel stone, each 2 scruples; Cream of Tartar 4 scruples; Oil of Juniper 4 drops, make all into a Powder.

Nitrous Powder.

Take Prunel stone 1 dram and half; Cinnaber of Antimony half a dram; white Sugar half an ounce; reduce all to a Powder.

Nutmeg Powder compound.

Take Nutmegs half an ounce; Cinnamon 2 drams; Mace, Cloves Marjoram, Betony, Rosemary, Lavender flowers, each 1 dram, make all into a Powder.

Odoriferous Powder.

Take Rhodium Wood half an ounce, yellow Sanders, Damask Roses, Florentine Orris, each 2 drams; Spanish Angelica root 4 scruples; Mace half a dram; Apoplectic Balsam half a scruple; Oil of Cloves 6 drops, beat them into a gross Powder.

Orange peel Powder compound.

Take the thin yellow peel of Orange, Cummin seed, each 12 grains; Castor 5 grains; long Pepper 1 grain; Oil of Juniper I drop, make a Powder.

Panchymagagogue Powder.

Take Cream of Tartar half an ounce; Senna 1 ounce; Rhubarb 6 drams; Scammony 2 drams; Mace half an ounce; beat all up to a Powder.

Peacock Powder.

Take the white part of Peacocks Dung 15 grains; Salt of Amber 5 grains; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop; reduce them to a Powder.

Pearl Powder compound.

Take Pearl Oriental, white Coral, each half an ounce; Crabs Eyes 1 ounce; levigate them into an absolute Alcohol, on a Marble.

Pectoral Powder.

Take Sulphur vive, Florentine Orris, Liquorice, Aniseed, each 5 grains; Sugar candy 1 scruple; make these into Powder.

Peptic Powder.

Take Seeds of Coriander half an ounce; Anise, swees Fennel, each 4 scruple; Nutmeg half a dram; Cinnamon, Cloves, each I scruple; long Pepper half a scruple, white Sugar 1 ounce, of these make a Powder for 16 Doses.

Piony Powder compound.

Take Male Piony root, Humane Cranium, each 5 grains; native Cinnaber half a scruple; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop; bring it to a Powder.

Pleuritic Powder.

Take Olibanum half a scruple; Crabs Eyes, Flower of Sulphur, each 5 grains; reduce them to a Powder.

Powder against Abortion.

Take Kermes berries 1 dram; red Sanders, Tormentile root, each half a dram; Cloves, Pearl, red Coral, each 1 scruple; pearled Manus Christi 3 drams; Leaves of Gold 3, make all into a Powder.

Powder against Haemorrhagies.

Take Astringent Crocus of Mars half a scruple; Dragons Blood 5 grains; Alum 3 grains; Sugar of Lead 2 grains, make all into Powder.

Powder for a Bruise.

Take Irish Slate, Mumy, each 12 grains; Salt of Amber, Salt of Harts born, each 3 grains, mix.

Powder in an hernia.

Take of Solomon's Seal and Comfrey Roots, Aniseed, each 1 dram; make a Powder.

Powder of Angelica compound.

Take Spanish Angelica root 5 grains; Japanic Earth 15 grains; Species of Hyacinth half a scruple; Oil of Cinnamon 1 drop, make all into Powder.

Powder of Crabs Eyes compound.

Take Crabs Eyes ground on a Marble 1 dram; Cream of Tartar half a dram; Salt of Wormwood, Prunel, each 12 grains; Salt of Amber 6 grains; make all into a Powder for 6 Doses, to be given twice or thrice a Day.

Powder of Millepedes compound.

Take Millepedes prepared 12 grains; Saffron 3 grains; Flower of Benjamin, Salt of Amber, each 2 grains; Ginger 1 grain; Oil of Aniseed 1 drop; Bring all to a Powder.

Splanchnic Powder.

Take Ashtree rind half a scruple; Rhubarb 5 grains; Spikenard, Saffron, each 2 grains; long Pepper 1 grain; make them into a Powder. To which may Chalybeats be added, pro re nata.

Sternutatory Powder.

Take Florentine Orris 1 scruple; white Hellebore half a scruple; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop, make a Powder.

Stomach Powder.

Take Spanish Angelica root, Mint, Cinnamon, each 1 scruple; Mace 12 grains; Balaustines long Pepper, each 4 grains; Oil Wormwood 1 drop; white loaf Sugar 4 scruples; make all into a Powder for 4 Doses.

Tartar Powder compound.

Take Cream of Tartar 5 drams; Balaustines 1 dram; Spirit of Vitriol enough to make it pretty tart, mix up a Powder.

The Womans Powder.

Take Astringent Crocus of Steel half a scruple; Spikenard, Species of Hyacinth, each 5 grains, bring all into a fine Powder. Its of great Service to correct the laxity of the Uterus, hinder a Flux of Blood, and consequently prevent Miscarriage. Let it be...

Tilingius his Powder.

Take Crystals of Tartar, Pearch stone, Crabs Eyes, each 1 dram; Salt of Amber half a dram; white Sugar 3 drams and half; make a Powder adding Oil of Aniseed 5 drops.

Uvular Powder.

Take Japanic Earth, Balaustines, each 1 scruple; Alnm, long Pepper, each half a scruple, Powder and mix.

Viper Powder compound.

Take Troches of Vipers (or rather flesh dry'd) 15 grains; Salt of Amber 3 grains; Saffron 2 grains; make a Powder.

Alexipharmac Powder.

Take Goa-Stone, Contrayerva Stone, Gascoign Powder, Virginia Snake root, each 5 grains, make a Powder.

Amber Powder.

Take Species Diambre, powder of Crabs claws compound, each I dram; Oil of Cinnamon 1 drop, mix for 6 Doses.

An Astringent Powder.

Take Balaustines half a scruple; Cinnamon, Nutmeg, each 4 grains; Cochineal 2 grains; Sugar of Roses 1 scruple; make it into Powder for 1 Dose.

Anthelminthic Powder.

Take Coralline prepared 1 dram; Mineral Ethiops (made without Fire) half a dram; Oil of Wormwood 1 drop, make it into Powder.

Anthelminthic purging Powder.

Take Scammony prepared 6 grains; Rhubard 4 grains; Calomel half a scruple, make a powder for a Child 6 or 8 Years old.

Arabic Powder.

Take Gum Arabic, white Sugar candy, each half an ounce; Oil of sweet Almonds 16 drops; make a powder for 8 Doses.

Aromatic Powder.

Take Cinnamon, Mace, Nutmeg, Cloves, Ginger, each 8 grains; Seeds of Anise, Caraway, Coriander, sweet Fennel, Bay berries, each 16 grains; Loaf Sugar 2 drams; make all into a powder for 8 Doses.

Arthritic Powder.

Take Ground Pine, Southern wood, each half a scruple, Gum of Guaiacum, white Sugar, each 1 scruple; Oil of Sassaphras 1 drop; mix for a single Dose.

Balsamic Powder.

Take Balsam of Tolu half a scruple; Benjamin, Myrrh, each 5 grains; Balsam of Peru 1 drop; white Sugar candy 1 scruple, mix.

Bezoartic Powder.

Take Powder of Crabs claws compound, Goa and Contrayerva Stone, Oriental Bezoar, each 5 grains; half a leaf of Gold, mix.

Bitter Stomach Powder.

Take Virginy Snake root, Zedoary, Gentian, Elecampane, each 5 grains; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop, make a Powder.

Capillary Powder.

Take roots of Orris 1 ounce; Male Piony half an ounce; Spanish Angelica 2 drams; yellow Sanders, Nutmeg, Mace, Cloves, each half a dram; Liquid Storax, Balsam of Peru, each 4 grains; Oil of Rosemary, Lavender, each 2 drops; make all into a Powder.

Cardialgic Powder.

Take soft white Chalk (wash'd in Rose Water) half an ounce; Crabs Eyes, Liquorice, white Sugar, each 4 scruples; Oil of Nutmeg, Cloves, each 2 drops; make it up for 8 Doses.

Carminative Powder.

Take Seeds of Anise and sweet Fennel, each 26 grains; Nutmeg, Cinnamon, each 18 grains; long Pepper, Cloves, each 6 grains; Mastick 1 scruple, mix for 6 Doses.

Cephalic Powder.

Take Powder de Gutteta, native Cinnaber prepared, each half an ounce, mix.

Chalybeate Powder.

Take rust of Iron powder'd and searced 8 scruples; Salt of Steel, Saffron, Ginger, each 1 scruple; Aniseed 5 scruples; Mace 4 scruples; white Sugar 10 scruples, make all into a Powder for 20 Doses.

Comfrey Powder compound.

Take the root of Comfrey that bears a red flower, Mouse Flesh dried in an Oven, Hogs claw, Bucks priapus, each as much as you please, make a powder of all and mix.

Common Cathartic Powder.

Take Rosin of Jalap, Scammony prepared; each 5 grains; Senna, Cream of Tartar, each half a scruple; Oil of Cloves 1 drop, mix.

Damask Powder.

Take roots of Orris 1 pound; Calamus aromatic, Cypcrus, each 4 ounces; Marjoram 1 ounce; Damask Roses, Nutmeg, Cloves, Storax calamite, Benjamin, Labdanum, each 2 ounces; make all into a gross Powder.

Dentalgic Powder.

Take Tobacco 1 scruple; Ginger, Flower of Sulphur, each half a scruple; mix.

Diaphoretic Powder.

Take Virginia Snake root, Spanish Angelica root, Contrayerva, each 5 grains; Myrrh 3 grains; Saffron 2 grains, mix.

Edulcorating Powder.

Take Lemnian Earth 1 scruple; red Coral, Crabs Eyes, Egg and Oister-shells,each 5 grains; powder and mix all.

Emmenagogue Powder.

Take Venetian Borace 15 grains, Myrrh 12 grains, Saffron 3 grains, Oyl of Cloves 1 drop, mix.

Epidemial Powder.

Take Troches of Vipers 1 dram, Virginia Snake-root, Contrayerva, each half a dram mix.

Eye-Bright Powder compound.

Take Eye-bright 3 drams, Mace 1 dram, make it into a fine Powder.

Eye-bright Powder more compound.

Take Eye-bright half an ounce, sweet Fennelseed 2 drams, Mace, Nutmeg each 1 dram, White Sugar 1 ounce. Make all into Powder.

Febrisic Powder.

The Salt of Wormwood half a dram, Diaphoretic Antimony, I dram, Camomile-flowers 2 drams and a half. Make a Powder for 8 Doses, to be taken every 3 or 4 hours between Fits.

Gum Lac Powder compound.

Take Gum Lac 2 drams; astringent Crocus of Mars 3 drams; Dragons Blood 1 dram; make of it a subtile Powder.

hemoptoic Powder.

Take Seeds of Henbane, White Poppy each 2 drams, Sealed Earth, Hematites each 1 dram, Sugar of Roses 6 drams mix.

hibernic Powder.

Take Irish Slate 15 grains; Salt of Amber 3 grains; Salt of Harts horn 2 grains; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop, mix.

hysteric Powder.

Take roots of white Bryony 1 dram; Piony rose bearing a white flower 2 drams; Castor 2 scruples; Salt of Amber 1 scruple; Oil of Amber 4 drops, make a Powder.

I. Diuretic Powder.

Take Prunel Stone 1 dram; Egg shells calcined 2 scruples; Salt of Amber 1 scruple; white Sugar 2 drams, make it into Powder.

Incrassating Powder.

Take marsh Mallow root, Gum Arabic, Dragons Blood, Liquorice, each 5 grains; beat all into a fine Powder.

Laxative Powder.

Take Senna and Cream of Tartar, each as much as you will, and reduce them into a Powder.

Marjoram Powder compound.

Take Marjoram, Arabian Stechas flowers, each 5 grains; Nutmeg 3 grains; Mustard seed 2 grains; Oil Sassaphras 1 drop, make all into Powder.

Mastic Powder compound.

Take Mastic, Olibanum, Japanic Earth, Flower of Sulphur, each 5 grains; Sugar candy 1 scruple; powder all. Its of egregious use in a Catarrh, and emulates the Electuary of Mastic.

Mayerns Powder de Gutteta.

Take Male Piony-root, Seed of the same, White Amber, Crystal, Harts-horn vitriolated each 3 drams, Humane Cranium both crude and vitriolated each half an ounce, Calamus aromatic, Misselto of the Oak, Box-wood each 2 drams and a half, Red Coral, Coralline,...

Myrrh Powder compound.

Take Myrrh, Savine, Grains of Paradise, each 5 grains; Saffron 3 grains; Castor 2 grains; Oil of Amber 1 drop, make a Powder.

Nephritic Powder.

Take Smalage and Saxifrage roots, each 2 drams; Crabs Eyes I dram; vitriolated Tartar, Prunel stone, each 2 scruples; Cream of Tartar 4 scruples; Oil of Juniper 4 drops, make all into a Powder.

Nitrous Powder.

Take Prunel stone 1 dram and half; Cinnaber of Antimony half a dram; white Sugar half an ounce; reduce all to a Powder.

Nutmeg Powder compound.

Take Nutmegs half an ounce; Cinnamon 2 drams; Mace, Cloves Marjoram, Betony, Rosemary, Lavender flowers, each 1 dram, make all into a Powder.

Odoriferous Powder.

Take Rhodium Wood half an ounce, yellow Sanders, Damask Roses, Florentine Orris, each 2 drams; Spanish Angelica root 4 scruples; Mace half a dram; Apoplectic Balsam half a scruple; Oil of Cloves 6 drops, beat them into a gross Powder.

Orange peel Powder compound.

Take the thin yellow peel of Orange, Cummin seed, each 12 grains; Castor 5 grains; long Pepper 1 grain; Oil of Juniper I drop, make a Powder.

Panchymagagogue Powder.

Take Cream of Tartar half an ounce; Senna 1 ounce; Rhubarb 6 drams; Scammony 2 drams; Mace half an ounce; beat all up to a Powder.

Peacock Powder.

Take the white part of Peacocks Dung 15 grains; Salt of Amber 5 grains; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop; reduce them to a Powder.

Pearl Powder compound.

Take Pearl Oriental, white Coral, each half an ounce; Crabs Eyes 1 ounce; levigate them into an absolute Alcohol, on a Marble.

Pectoral Powder.

Take Sulphur vive, Florentine Orris, Liquorice, Aniseed, each 5 grains; Sugar candy 1 scruple; make these into Powder.

Peptic Powder.

Take Seeds of Coriander half an ounce; Anise, swees Fennel, each 4 scruple; Nutmeg half a dram; Cinnamon, Cloves, each I scruple; long Pepper half a scruple, white Sugar 1 ounce, of these make a Powder for 16 Doses.

Piony Powder compound.

Take Male Piony root, Humane Cranium, each 5 grains; native Cinnaber half a scruple; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop; bring it to a Powder.

Pleuritic Powder.

Take Olibanum half a scruple; Crabs Eyes, Flower of Sulphur, each 5 grains; reduce them to a Powder.

Powder against Abortion.

Take Kermes berries 1 dram; red Sanders, Tormentile root, each half a dram; Cloves, Pearl, red Coral, each 1 scruple; pearled Manus Christi 3 drams; Leaves of Gold 3, make all into a Powder.

Powder against Haemorrhagies.

Take Astringent Crocus of Mars half a scruple; Dragons Blood 5 grains; Alum 3 grains; Sugar of Lead 2 grains, make all into Powder.

Powder for a Bruise.

Take Irish Slate, Mumy, each 12 grains; Salt of Amber, Salt of Harts born, each 3 grains, mix.

Powder in an hernia.

Take of Solomon's Seal and Comfrey Roots, Aniseed, each 1 dram; make a Powder.

Powder of Angelica compound.

Take Spanish Angelica root 5 grains; Japanic Earth 15 grains; Species of Hyacinth half a scruple; Oil of Cinnamon 1 drop, make all into Powder.

Powder of Crabs Eyes compound.

Take Crabs Eyes ground on a Marble 1 dram; Cream of Tartar half a dram; Salt of Wormwood, Prunel, each 12 grains; Salt of Amber 6 grains; make all into a Powder for 6 Doses, to be given twice or thrice a Day.

Powder of Millepedes compound.

Take Millepedes prepared 12 grains; Saffron 3 grains; Flower of Benjamin, Salt of Amber, each 2 grains; Ginger 1 grain; Oil of Aniseed 1 drop; Bring all to a Powder.

Splanchnic Powder.

Take Ashtree rind half a scruple; Rhubarb 5 grains; Spikenard, Saffron, each 2 grains; long Pepper 1 grain; make them into a Powder. To which may Chalybeats be added, pro re nata.

Sternutatory Powder.

Take Florentine Orris 1 scruple; white Hellebore half a scruple; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop, make a Powder.

Stomach Powder.

Take Spanish Angelica root, Mint, Cinnamon, each 1 scruple; Mace 12 grains; Balaustines long Pepper, each 4 grains; Oil Wormwood 1 drop; white loaf Sugar 4 scruples; make all into a Powder for 4 Doses.

Tartar Powder compound.

Take Cream of Tartar 5 drams; Balaustines 1 dram; Spirit of Vitriol enough to make it pretty tart, mix up a Powder.

The Womans Powder.

Take Astringent Crocus of Steel half a scruple; Spikenard, Species of Hyacinth, each 5 grains, bring all into a fine Powder. Its of great Service to correct the laxity of the Uterus, hinder a Flux of Blood, and consequently prevent Miscarriage. Let it be...

Tilingius his Powder.

Take Crystals of Tartar, Pearch stone, Crabs Eyes, each 1 dram; Salt of Amber half a dram; white Sugar 3 drams and half; make a Powder adding Oil of Aniseed 5 drops.

Uvular Powder.

Take Japanic Earth, Balaustines, each 1 scruple; Alnm, long Pepper, each half a scruple, Powder and mix.

Viper Powder compound.

Take Troches of Vipers (or rather flesh dry'd) 15 grains; Salt of Amber 3 grains; Saffron 2 grains; make a Powder.

1. Colic Powder.

Take Sperma Zedoary 6 drams; Balsam of Peru 12 drops, mix for 6 Doses.

1. Styptic Powder.

Take Troches of Lemnian Earth, Bole, each 1 dram; Hematites Stone, Dragons blood, Mastick, Gum Arabic, each half a dram, make all into a Powder.

2. Colic Powder.

Take Sperma Ceti washed, white Sugar, each half a dram; Castor 3 grains; powder it for a single Dose.

2. Diuretic Powder.

Take Aniseed 1 dram and half; Salt of Amber half a dram; Oil of Nutmeg 3 drops, make a Powder for 3 Doses.

2. Stomach Powder.

Take Florentine Orris, Aromatic Reed, each 2 drams; Cubebs, Nutmeg, Mace, Cloves, Calamite Storax, Benjamin, each 1 dram; Oil of Caraway, Mint, Rhodium, each 2 drops; Oil of Wormwood 1 drop; powder grosly and mix.

2. Styptic Powder.

Take Astringent Crocus of Mars, Seeds of white Poppy and Henbane, each 1 dram and 12 grains; Sugar of Lead 24 grains, make a Powder for 8 Doses.

A Powder for Strumae.

Take Rocket seed and Poultry Bones dry'd in an Oven, as much as you will, beat both into Powder and mix.

Alexipharmac Powder.

Take Goa-Stone, Contrayerva Stone, Gascoign Powder, Virginia Snake root, each 5 grains, make a Powder.

Amber Powder.

Take Species Diambre, powder of Crabs claws compound, each I dram; Oil of Cinnamon 1 drop, mix for 6 Doses.

An Astringent Powder.

Take Balaustines half a scruple; Cinnamon, Nutmeg, each 4 grains; Cochineal 2 grains; Sugar of Roses 1 scruple; make it into Powder for 1 Dose.

Anthelminthic Powder.

Take Coralline prepared 1 dram; Mineral Ethiops (made without Fire) half a dram; Oil of Wormwood 1 drop, make it into Powder.

Anthelminthic purging Powder.

Take Scammony prepared 6 grains; Rhubard 4 grains; Calomel half a scruple, make a powder for a Child 6 or 8 Years old.

Arabic Powder.

Take Gum Arabic, white Sugar candy, each half an ounce; Oil of sweet Almonds 16 drops; make a powder for 8 Doses.

Aromatic Powder.

Take Cinnamon, Mace, Nutmeg, Cloves, Ginger, each 8 grains; Seeds of Anise, Caraway, Coriander, sweet Fennel, Bay berries, each 16 grains; Loaf Sugar 2 drams; make all into a powder for 8 Doses.

Arthritic Powder.

Take Ground Pine, Southern wood, each half a scruple, Gum of Guaiacum, white Sugar, each 1 scruple; Oil of Sassaphras 1 drop; mix for a single Dose.

Balsamic Powder.

Take Balsam of Tolu half a scruple; Benjamin, Myrrh, each 5 grains; Balsam of Peru 1 drop; white Sugar candy 1 scruple, mix.

Bezoartic Powder.

Take Powder of Crabs claws compound, Goa and Contrayerva Stone, Oriental Bezoar, each 5 grains; half a leaf of Gold, mix.

Bitter Stomach Powder.

Take Virginy Snake root, Zedoary, Gentian, Elecampane, each 5 grains; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop, make a Powder.

Capillary Powder.

Take roots of Orris 1 ounce; Male Piony half an ounce; Spanish Angelica 2 drams; yellow Sanders, Nutmeg, Mace, Cloves, each half a dram; Liquid Storax, Balsam of Peru, each 4 grains; Oil of Rosemary, Lavender, each 2 drops; make all into a Powder.

Cardialgic Powder.

Take soft white Chalk (wash'd in Rose Water) half an ounce; Crabs Eyes, Liquorice, white Sugar, each 4 scruples; Oil of Nutmeg, Cloves, each 2 drops; make it up for 8 Doses.

Carminative Powder.

Take Seeds of Anise and sweet Fennel, each 26 grains; Nutmeg, Cinnamon, each 18 grains; long Pepper, Cloves, each 6 grains; Mastick 1 scruple, mix for 6 Doses.

Cephalic Powder.

Take Powder de Gutteta, native Cinnaber prepared, each half an ounce, mix.

Chalybeate Powder.

Take rust of Iron powder'd and searced 8 scruples; Salt of Steel, Saffron, Ginger, each 1 scruple; Aniseed 5 scruples; Mace 4 scruples; white Sugar 10 scruples, make all into a Powder for 20 Doses.

Comfrey Powder compound.

Take the root of Comfrey that bears a red flower, Mouse Flesh dried in an Oven, Hogs claw, Bucks priapus, each as much as you please, make a powder of all and mix.

Common Cathartic Powder.

Take Rosin of Jalap, Scammony prepared; each 5 grains; Senna, Cream of Tartar, each half a scruple; Oil of Cloves 1 drop, mix.

Damask Powder.

Take roots of Orris 1 pound; Calamus aromatic, Cypcrus, each 4 ounces; Marjoram 1 ounce; Damask Roses, Nutmeg, Cloves, Storax calamite, Benjamin, Labdanum, each 2 ounces; make all into a gross Powder.

Dentalgic Powder.

Take Tobacco 1 scruple; Ginger, Flower of Sulphur, each half a scruple; mix.

Diaphoretic Powder.

Take Virginia Snake root, Spanish Angelica root, Contrayerva, each 5 grains; Myrrh 3 grains; Saffron 2 grains, mix.

Edulcorating Powder.

Take Lemnian Earth 1 scruple; red Coral, Crabs Eyes, Egg and Oister-shells,each 5 grains; powder and mix all.

Emmenagogue Powder.

Take Venetian Borace 15 grains, Myrrh 12 grains, Saffron 3 grains, Oyl of Cloves 1 drop, mix.

Epidemial Powder.

Take Troches of Vipers 1 dram, Virginia Snake-root, Contrayerva, each half a dram mix.

Eye-Bright Powder compound.

Take Eye-bright 3 drams, Mace 1 dram, make it into a fine Powder.

Eye-bright Powder more compound.

Take Eye-bright half an ounce, sweet Fennelseed 2 drams, Mace, Nutmeg each 1 dram, White Sugar 1 ounce. Make all into Powder.

Febrisic Powder.

The Salt of Wormwood half a dram, Diaphoretic Antimony, I dram, Camomile-flowers 2 drams and a half. Make a Powder for 8 Doses, to be taken every 3 or 4 hours between Fits.

Gum Lac Powder compound.

Take Gum Lac 2 drams; astringent Crocus of Mars 3 drams; Dragons Blood 1 dram; make of it a subtile Powder.

hemoptoic Powder.

Take Seeds of Henbane, White Poppy each 2 drams, Sealed Earth, Hematites each 1 dram, Sugar of Roses 6 drams mix.

hibernic Powder.

Take Irish Slate 15 grains; Salt of Amber 3 grains; Salt of Harts horn 2 grains; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop, mix.

hysteric Powder.

Take roots of white Bryony 1 dram; Piony rose bearing a white flower 2 drams; Castor 2 scruples; Salt of Amber 1 scruple; Oil of Amber 4 drops, make a Powder.

I. Diuretic Powder.

Take Prunel Stone 1 dram; Egg shells calcined 2 scruples; Salt of Amber 1 scruple; white Sugar 2 drams, make it into Powder.

Incrassating Powder.

Take marsh Mallow root, Gum Arabic, Dragons Blood, Liquorice, each 5 grains; beat all into a fine Powder.

Laxative Powder.

Take Senna and Cream of Tartar, each as much as you will, and reduce them into a Powder.

Marjoram Powder compound.

Take Marjoram, Arabian Stechas flowers, each 5 grains; Nutmeg 3 grains; Mustard seed 2 grains; Oil Sassaphras 1 drop, make all into Powder.

Mastic Powder compound.

Take Mastic, Olibanum, Japanic Earth, Flower of Sulphur, each 5 grains; Sugar candy 1 scruple; powder all. Its of egregious use in a Catarrh, and emulates the Electuary of Mastic.

Mayerns Powder de Gutteta.

Take Male Piony-root, Seed of the same, White Amber, Crystal, Harts-horn vitriolated each 3 drams, Humane Cranium both crude and vitriolated each half an ounce, Calamus aromatic, Misselto of the Oak, Box-wood each 2 drams and a half, Red Coral, Coralline,...

Myrrh Powder compound.

Take Myrrh, Savine, Grains of Paradise, each 5 grains; Saffron 3 grains; Castor 2 grains; Oil of Amber 1 drop, make a Powder.

Nephritic Powder.

Take Smalage and Saxifrage roots, each 2 drams; Crabs Eyes I dram; vitriolated Tartar, Prunel stone, each 2 scruples; Cream of Tartar 4 scruples; Oil of Juniper 4 drops, make all into a Powder.

Nitrous Powder.

Take Prunel stone 1 dram and half; Cinnaber of Antimony half a dram; white Sugar half an ounce; reduce all to a Powder.

Nutmeg Powder compound.

Take Nutmegs half an ounce; Cinnamon 2 drams; Mace, Cloves Marjoram, Betony, Rosemary, Lavender flowers, each 1 dram, make all into a Powder.

Odoriferous Powder.

Take Rhodium Wood half an ounce, yellow Sanders, Damask Roses, Florentine Orris, each 2 drams; Spanish Angelica root 4 scruples; Mace half a dram; Apoplectic Balsam half a scruple; Oil of Cloves 6 drops, beat them into a gross Powder.

Orange peel Powder compound.

Take the thin yellow peel of Orange, Cummin seed, each 12 grains; Castor 5 grains; long Pepper 1 grain; Oil of Juniper I drop, make a Powder.

Panchymagagogue Powder.

Take Cream of Tartar half an ounce; Senna 1 ounce; Rhubarb 6 drams; Scammony 2 drams; Mace half an ounce; beat all up to a Powder.

Peacock Powder.

Take the white part of Peacocks Dung 15 grains; Salt of Amber 5 grains; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop; reduce them to a Powder.

Pearl Powder compound.

Take Pearl Oriental, white Coral, each half an ounce; Crabs Eyes 1 ounce; levigate them into an absolute Alcohol, on a Marble.

Pectoral Powder.

Take Sulphur vive, Florentine Orris, Liquorice, Aniseed, each 5 grains; Sugar candy 1 scruple; make these into Powder.

Peptic Powder.

Take Seeds of Coriander half an ounce; Anise, swees Fennel, each 4 scruple; Nutmeg half a dram; Cinnamon, Cloves, each I scruple; long Pepper half a scruple, white Sugar 1 ounce, of these make a Powder for 16 Doses.

Piony Powder compound.

Take Male Piony root, Humane Cranium, each 5 grains; native Cinnaber half a scruple; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop; bring it to a Powder.

Pleuritic Powder.

Take Olibanum half a scruple; Crabs Eyes, Flower of Sulphur, each 5 grains; reduce them to a Powder.

Powder against Abortion.

Take Kermes berries 1 dram; red Sanders, Tormentile root, each half a dram; Cloves, Pearl, red Coral, each 1 scruple; pearled Manus Christi 3 drams; Leaves of Gold 3, make all into a Powder.

Powder against Haemorrhagies.

Take Astringent Crocus of Mars half a scruple; Dragons Blood 5 grains; Alum 3 grains; Sugar of Lead 2 grains, make all into Powder.

Powder for a Bruise.

Take Irish Slate, Mumy, each 12 grains; Salt of Amber, Salt of Harts born, each 3 grains, mix.

Powder in an hernia.

Take of Solomon's Seal and Comfrey Roots, Aniseed, each 1 dram; make a Powder.

Powder of Angelica compound.

Take Spanish Angelica root 5 grains; Japanic Earth 15 grains; Species of Hyacinth half a scruple; Oil of Cinnamon 1 drop, make all into Powder.

Powder of Crabs Eyes compound.

Take Crabs Eyes ground on a Marble 1 dram; Cream of Tartar half a dram; Salt of Wormwood, Prunel, each 12 grains; Salt of Amber 6 grains; make all into a Powder for 6 Doses, to be given twice or thrice a Day.

Powder of Millepedes compound.

Take Millepedes prepared 12 grains; Saffron 3 grains; Flower of Benjamin, Salt of Amber, each 2 grains; Ginger 1 grain; Oil of Aniseed 1 drop; Bring all to a Powder.

Splanchnic Powder.

Take Ashtree rind half a scruple; Rhubarb 5 grains; Spikenard, Saffron, each 2 grains; long Pepper 1 grain; make them into a Powder. To which may Chalybeats be added, pro re nata.

Sternutatory Powder.

Take Florentine Orris 1 scruple; white Hellebore half a scruple; Oil of Nutmeg 1 drop, make a Powder.

Stomach Powder.

Take Spanish Angelica root, Mint, Cinnamon, each 1 scruple; Mace 12 grains; Balaustines long Pepper, each 4 grains; Oil Wormwood 1 drop; white loaf Sugar 4 scruples; make all into a Powder for 4 Doses.

Tartar Powder compound.

Take Cream of Tartar 5 drams; Balaustines 1 dram; Spirit of Vitriol enough to make it pretty tart, mix up a Powder.

The Womans Powder.

Take Astringent Crocus of Steel half a scruple; Spikenard, Species of Hyacinth, each 5 grains, bring all into a fine Powder. Its of great Service to correct the laxity of the Uterus, hinder a Flux of Blood, and consequently prevent Miscarriage. Let it be...

Tilingius his Powder.

Take Crystals of Tartar, Pearch stone, Crabs Eyes, each 1 dram; Salt of Amber half a dram; white Sugar 3 drams and half; make a Powder adding Oil of Aniseed 5 drops.

Uvular Powder.

Take Japanic Earth, Balaustines, each 1 scruple; Alnm, long Pepper, each half a scruple, Powder and mix.

Viper Powder compound.

Take Troches of Vipers (or rather flesh dry'd) 15 grains; Salt of Amber 3 grains; Saffron 2 grains; make a Powder.