The Pharmacopeia Extemporanea
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Take powder'd Bees 2 dram; Salt Prunel 1 dram; Salt of Amber, Mustard seed, each half a dram; Oil of Aniseed 12 drops; Venice Turpentine sufficient to make all up into Pills for 12 Doses.
Take Ruffus's Pill 1 scruple; Vitriol of Mars 5 grains; make it up into 5 Pills with Balsm of Peru.
Take Spikenard 1 dram; Asa Foetida, Ens Veneris each half a dram; Oil of Amber 8 drops, with Balsam of Peru, reduce them into a Mass; and form 3 Pills out of every scruple.
Take Egg shells calcin'd half a dram; Camphire 1 scruple; Cantharides half a scruple; Venice Turpentine sufficient to form out of it 9 Pills.
2. Purging Chalybeate Pills, by Dr. A.
Take Gum Ammoniac (strain'd with Rhenish Wine) 2 ounces; Vitriol of Mars (calcined to a little redness) half an ounce; Scammony Sulphurated 10 drams; Oil of Mint 12 drops; Syrup of Blackthorn as much as sufficient to make all up into a Mass.
Take Ens Veneris 4 scruples; Saffron, long Pepper, Virginia Snake root, Spikenard, each 1 scruple; Galbanum 4 scruples, with Tincture of Myrrh, make 24 Pills.
Take powdered Virginia Snake Root 1 dram and half; Camphire, Salt of Amber, each half a dram; thin Diascordium as much as needful; beat it up into a Mass, and make every scruple into 4 Pills.
Take Ambergrise 2 grains; Musk, Salt of Hartshorn, each 1 grain; Opium 3 grains; Balsam of Peru as much as is sufficient; bring it into three Pills for three Doses; but be sure to beat it well, that the Opium may be well divided.
Take powdered Mint 2 drams; Wormwood 2 scruples; Balaustines 1 scruple, Oil of Cinnamon 2 drops; Diascordium (or Venice Treacle) 1 dram; reduce into a Pilulary Mass with Syrup of Quinces.
Take powdered Ground Pine 6 drams Ens; Veneris 2 drams, make it up into Pills with Venice Turpentine for 16 Doses.
Take true fine Bole, Dragons Blood in Tears, red Coral, Amber, Mastick, Astringent Crocus of Mars, each 1 dram; Oil of Cinnamon, Nutmeg, each 6 drops; make all into an Alcohol, and then with Turpentine, a pilulary Mass, out of every scruple of which form...
Take Millepedes prepared, 3 drams; Gum Ammoniac strained (with Spirit of Wine) 1 dram and half; Flowers of Benjamin 1 dram; Saffron, Balsam of Peru, each 15 grains; Balsam of Sulphur, enough to embody it into a Mass fit for Pills.
Take of the very finest Aloes half an ounce; Senna 2 drams; Asa Foetida, Galbanum, Myrrh, each 1 dram; Vitriol of Mars 6 drams; Saffron, Mace, each half a dram; Oil of Amber 40 drops; Syrup of Mugwort sufficient to beat it up into a Mass of Pills, for 40...
Take powder'd Elecampane, Orris, Aniseed, Sugar candy, each 1 dram; Liquid pitch 2 drams; or as much as is sufficient, make it into 36 Pills.
Take fine pick'd Ammoniacum in drops, pure Aloes, each 6 drams; Steel prepared with Sulphur 5 drams; Oil of Cloves and Anise, each 10 drops; Spirit of Wine (or Elixir Proporietatis tartaris'd) sufficient to reduce it to a Mass.
Take powder'd Liquorice, Sugar, Camphir, each 2 scruples; with Venice Turpentine, make it up into Pills.
Take roots of Orris 1 ounce; Male Piony half an ounce; Spanish Angelica 2 drams; yellow Sanders, Nutmeg, Mace, Cloves, each half a dram; Liquid Storax, Balsam of Peru, each 4 grains; Oil of Rosemary, Lavender, each 2 drops; make all into a Powder.
Take Gum Ammoniacum strain'd 2 scruple; Myrrh, Amber, Mastick, each 1 scruple; Olibanum, Saffron, Castor, each half a scruple; Salts of Mars (calcin'd to whiteness) half a dram; Oil of Nutmeg 8 drops; Elixir Proprietatis as much as sufficient, (323,324)...
Take Pil. Ruffi 1 scruple; Storax Pills 6 grains; Oil of Aniseed 1 drop; make it up into 5 Pills.
Take Pill Cochioe the greater 1 dram; Rudius's Extract 2 scruples; Rosin of Jalap 1 scruple; Oil of Aniseed 2 drops; with Balsam of Peru, make all up into 20 Pills for 4 Doses.
Take Pill Foetid 15 grains; Rosin of Jalap, Castor, Salt of Amber, each 5 grains; Oil of Amber 2 drops; Spirit of Lavender compound as much as sufficient to make all up into 5 Pills.
Take Cloves half an ounce; Mace, Cinnamon, each 45 grains; Virginia Snkae root, Steel prepar'd with Sulphur, each 2 dram s; Vitriol of Mars 1 dram; Oil of Nutmeg 24 drops; reduce all to a subtile Powder, and with Liquid Honey make it up into Pills of a...
Take Native Cinnaber reduced into an Alcohol Humane Cranium, each 2 drams; Castor, Salt of Amber, each 1 dram; make all into an exquisite fine Powder, to which add Oil of Marjoram 12 drops; Balsam of Peru 1 dram; Syrup of Piony as much as sufficient, beat...
Take Cochineal 2 drams; Saffron 1 dram; with Honey bring it to a Mass for Pills.
Take Pills e duobus half a dram, Calomet half a scruple; Oil of Amber 2 drops; London Laudanum 2 grains; Diacodium as much as useful to make 5 Pills.
Take Cubebs, Nutmeg, Cloves, Mastick, Calamint, each 1 dram; Ambergrise half a dram; Musk 6 grains; with Juice of Marjoram, make Pills.
Take Virginia Snake root 1 dram and half; Saffron, Camphire, Salt of Amber, each half a scruple; make all into a subtle Powder, of which with the thin part of Diascordium, make up 30 Pills.
Take true Bole powder'd 2 drams; Oil of Paper 4 drops; Galbanum strain'd, as much as will make it into a pilular Mass. I suppose there will be need of some Syrup to bring it to a Body.
Take Stomach Pills with Gum, Aloephangine Pills; powder'd Rhubarb, Gum of Guiacum, Salt of Steel, each 4 scruples; Salt of Wormwood, extract of Gentian, each 2 scrnples; Elixir of Propriety as much as need to make up a Mass for 16 Doses.
Take Venetian Borace, Myrrh, each 45 grains; Birthwort Root, Saffron, each 15 grains; Oil of Pennyroyal, Savine, Cloves, each 2 drops; with Syrup of the 5 opening Roots make 18 Pills for 6 Doses.
Take Gum Ammoniac strained (or rather the fine Grains of it picked out) Millepedes, each 1 dram and half; Castor, Flower of Benjamin, Salt of Amber, each half a dram Camphire, Saffron, each 15 grains, with Balsam of Sulphur beat it up into a Mass, and...
Take powdered Cammomile flowers 2 drams and half; Diaphoretic Antimony 1 dram; Salt of Wormwood half a dram, with mucilage of Gum Tragacanth, make up Pills for 12 Doses.
Take Juice of Garlic half an ounce; Gum Ammoniac 1 dram and half; Millepedes preapred 1 dram; Saffron 1 scruple; Flowers of Bemjamin half a scruple; Oil of Aniseed 4 drops; Elecampane Powder, as much as serves to give it a Pilular Consistence, mix.
Take powdered Gentian 2 drams; Salt of Wormwood 2 scruple; Extract of Gentian 1 dram; Syrup of dried Roses as much as needs, mix.
Take white Sugar candy powdered and searced 2 drams; the cold Species of Gum Tragacanth 1 dram; Balsam of Tolu 2 scruples; Flower of Benjamin 1 scruple; bring these to a fine powder, and with the Balm of Gilead beat it up into Pills for 12 Doses.
Take Gum of Guaiacum, Aloes, each 1 dram and half; Balsam of Peru enough to make them up, mix.
Take powdered Harts Tongue leaves, as much as you please, and make it up into Pills, with Balm of Gilead.
Take Gamboge powdered 12 grains; Oil of Juniper 2 drops; Mithridate as much as suffices, and make them into Pills for one Dose.
Take Galbbanum strained, Asa Foetida, Myrrh, each 1 dram; Castor, Camphire, Salt of Amber, each half a scruple; Oil of Amber 4 drops; Balsam of Peru as much as needs, and so beat them up. Note, if the Galbanum be of a soft Consistence, there will be no...
Take Cream of Tartar, Cochineal, each half a dram; Venetian Soap 2 drams; beat these up into Pills. Or instead of Cochineal may be used Barbadoes Indigo.
Take Japanic Earth powdered 2 drams; Oil of Cinnamon 4 drops; Syrup of dried Roses sufficient to make a Mass of Pills.
Take Myrrh 1 dram; Saffron 1 scruple; Balsam of Peru half a scruple; Yolk of Egg as much sufficient to bring all into a Mass.
Take Millepedes, Crude Salt Armoniac, Venetian Soap, each 2 drams; Gum of Ivy 1 dram and half; Saffron half a dram; Oil of Juniper 16 drops; make all up into Pills with Venice Turpentine.
Take Olibanum powdered and searced, 4 scruples; Salt of Harts born 1 scruple, with Yolk of Egg, make a Mass.
Take powdered Elecampane, Orris, Liquorice, each 1 scruple; Saffron, Flower of Benjamin, each half a scruple; white Sugar candy 2 scruples; make it up into a Mass with Balsam of Sulphur Anisated.
Take Musk 6 grains; Cinnamon, Nutmeg, each 1 scruple; Cloves, Saffron, each half a scruple; make it up for 3 Doses of Pills, with Confection of Alkermes.
Take crude Mercury, cleansed well 6 drams; Turbith 2 drams and half; Aloes, rhubarb, Coloquintida, Diagrydium, Agaric, each 2 drams; Hermodactyls, Myrrh, Mithridate, each 1 dram and half; Musk Ambergirse, each 15 grains; Leaves of Gold 12; Venetian...
Take powdered Mercury Dulcis half a scruple; Radius's Extract 15 grains; Resin of Jalap 5 grains; Oil of Cloves 1 drop; Syrup of Roses enough to make 5 Pills.
Take Goat's Blood prepared 1 dram and half; Volatile Salt of Salt Armoniac (or of Hart's born) Salt of Amber, Camphire, each half a scruple, with Venice Turpentine make a Mass.
Take lucid Aloes, Scammony prepared, each 3 drams; Troches of Alhandal 2 drams; Mastick, Saffron, each 45 grains.
Take Flower of Sulphur, Liquorice, white Sugar candy, each I dram; Balsam of Sulphur enough to reduce it into a Mass.
Take Extract of Saffron 16 grains; Flower of Benjamin 24 grains; Spanish Juice of Liquorice 2 scruples and half; Oil of Aniseed 2 drops, make with Elixir of Propriety 12 Pills.
Take Salt of Wormwood 2 scruples; Oil of Anniseed, Cloves, and Amber, each 1 drop, with Venice Tupentine make 8 Pills for 4 Doses.
Take powdered Rue, long Pepper, Salt Gem, Camphire, each half a dram; Oil of Cummin 4 drops, Balsam of Peru 1 dram; Diacodium sufficient to make it into Pills.
Take powdered Salt of Steel 2 drams, Galbanum strained, as much as needful, and a little Syrup of the 5 Roots, all which beat up into Pills for 24 Doses.
Salt of Steel Pills, the greater.
Take Salt of Steel, Gum Ammoniac, each half a dram; Zedoary, Extract of Gentian, each 2 drams, with Syrup of the 5 Roots; make a Mass, and out of it 60 Pills.
Take powdered Falap root, Scammony prepared, Calomel, each half a scruple, Oil of Caraway 1 drop; Honey enough to make 5 Pills. They are almost of the same Virtues with Pills of Mercury Dulcis.
Take Venetian Soap 2 drams; Oil of Anniseed 8 drops; beat them up together, and make 24 Pills.
Take Musk 8 grains; Dragon's Blood, white Sugar, each I scruple; make all up with Balm of Gilead into Pills, for 4 Doses.
Take Russus's Pill 1 scruple; Resin of Falap, Salt of Wormwood, each 5 grains; Oil of Wormwood, Mint, each 1 drop, with Elixir of Propriety Tartarifed, make 5 Pills.
Stomachic Pills with Ammoniac.
Take Gum Ammoniac strained, Aloes, each 1 dram; Myrrh, Senna, Saffron, each half a dram; Oxymel of Squills, as much as will bring it into a convenient Consistence.
Take powdered Cinnamon, Mace, Nutmeg, each 1 scruple; Cloves, long Pepper, Balaustines, each half a scruple; extract of Gentian 1 dram and half, Elixir of Propriety, as much as will reduce them into a fit Mass, whereof roll up large Pills, that they may...
Take Astringent Saffron of Mars 2 scruples; Sugar of Lead, Camphire, each half a scruple; Oil of Amber 1 drop, make up into Pills with Venice Turpentine.
Take Powder of Liquorice 2 drams; Mastic 1 dram; make up Pills with Balsam of Sulphur Anisated.
Take Gum Ammoniac strained 2 scruples; Vitriol of Mars (gently calcined to Whiteness) 1 scruple; Myrrh, Castor, each 15 grains; Saffron half a scruple; Troches of Alhandal 1 dram; Resin of Falap, Scammony prepared, each 1 scruple; Oil of Fennel 5...
Take hard shining Wood Soot 1 dram and half; Salt of Harts horn half a dram; Tar as much as you want to bring it into a fit Mass.
Take powdered Savine, Dittany of Creet, each 1 dram; Myrrh, Galbanum, Gum Ammoniac, Castor, each 2 drams; make all into a Mass with Syrup of Mugwort.
Take Venice Turpentine (cocted in Plantain water to a due Consistence) Half an ounce; Amber, Dragons Blood, Bole, each half a dram, make Pills.
Take Resin of Jalap 1 dram; Oil of Juniper 6 drops; Saffron 8 grains; Myrrh 12 grains, with Yolk of Egg make up 16 Pills for 4 Doses.