The Pharmacopeia Extemporanea
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Take powder'd Chocolate, sweet Almonds blanch'd, double refin'd Sugar searced, sweet Butter unsalted, each half an ounce; Pulp of Conserve of red Roses passed through a Sieve 1 ounce and half; Juice of Kermes strain'd half an ounce; Balm of Gilead 2...
Take powder'd Zedoary 1 ounce; Balsam of Peru 2 drams; Syrup of Piony 3 ounces; mix.
Take conserve of Marjoram 6 drams; Balsam of Peru 2 drams; long Pepper 16 drams; powder'd Zedoary 1 ounce; Diacodium 2 ounces, mix.
Take powder'd Chocolate 2 ounces; Juice of Kermes strain'd half an ounce; Ambergrise (ground with a little loaf Sugar) 8 grains; Oil of Cinnamon 1 drop; Oil of Nutmeg 2 drops; Syrup of Balsam 2 ounce; or as much as needs to give it a due consistence, mix.
Take Conserve of red Roses 2 ounces; new unsalted Butter wahed in Rose water 1 ounce; Yolk of Egg half an ounce; powder'd Balsam of Tolu 4 scruples; Balm of Gilead 2 scruples, mix.
Take Conserve of Rue 3 ounces; Venice Treacle 1 ounce; Camphir 8 grains; Oil of Amber 16 drops, mix.
Take powder'd Golden rod, Vervain, Savory, Marjoram, Thyme, Anniseed, each 1 dram; common Rosin 6 drams; Mithridate half an ounce; clarify'd-Honey 2 ounces, or as much as needs, mix.
Take powder'd Male Piony root half an ounce; Humane Cranium, Cinnaber of Antimony (or rather Native) each 2 drams, candy'd Nutmeg 1 ounce; Syrup of Piony compound 2 ounces; or as much as is requir'd, Oil of Rosemary and Sage, each 4 drops, mix.
Take fine soft white Chalk washed, Conserve of Roman (or Sea) Wormwood each 1 ounce; Oil of Wormwood 1 drop; Oil of Mint 2 drops; Syrup of Quinces enough to mix it with.
Take powder'd Senns, Cream of Tartar, each 4 scruples; Pulp of Prunes passed thro' a Sieve 2 ounces; Syrup of Roses soluble as much as sufficient, mix.
Take powder'd Seeds of Flixweed, clarify'd Honey, fresh butter, each 1 ounce; powder'd nutmeg 1 dram; make it up with Syrup of Marsh Mallows.
Take powder'd white Troches, clarify'd Honey, conserve of red Roses, unsalted Butter, each 1 ounce; Oil of Nutmeg 4 drops; make it up with Syrup of Injubes.
A Peruvian Astringent Electuary.
Take powder'd Bark of Peru 1 ounces; Balsam of Tolu, Japanic Earth, each 1 dram; Mr. Boyle's Syrup as much as is sufficient, mix.
Take finely powder'd Peruvian Bark 1 ounce; the blackest part of Japanic Earth 1 dram; Balsam of Peru half a dram; Oil of Nutmeg 2 drops; Syrup of Raspberries 3 ounces, mix.
A Peruvian Epileptic Electuary.
Take powder'd Bark 6 drams; Virginia Snake root 2 drams; Syrup of Piony as much as needs, mix it up into a soft Electuary.
Take powder of Jalap roots 2 drams; Rhubarb 1 dram; Scammony (prepared with Sulphur) 1 scruple; Cream of Tarter 2 scruples; Oil of Anniseed and Cloves, each 2 drops; Lenitive Electuary 1 ounces; Syrup of Roses solutive half an ounce; or as much as serve...
Take Sperma Ceti 1 dram; yellow Wax 3 drams; Oil of sweet Almonds 1 ounce; having melted all together, and taken it from the Fire, keep it continually stirr'd, and when its almost cold, and hath consistence enough to stand, mix in a Mortar with conserve...
Take conserve of Roman (or Sea) Wormwood and of Scurvy grass, each 2 ounces; candy'd Elecampane root half and ounce: powder of Arum compound 3 drams; long Pepper, Salt of Wormwood, each half a dram; Syrup of Fumitory 1 ounce, mix.
Take conserve of red Roses and Roman Wormwood, each 1 ounce and half; conserve of Mint, yellow Orange peel, green Ginger, Venice Treacle, each half an ounce; long Pepper 24 grains; Oil of Cinnamon 4 drops; Oil of Cloves 2 drops; Syrup of Quinces...
Take conserve of red Roses 3 ounces; Astringent Crocus of Mars 3 drams; Sugar of Lead 1 dram; Syrup of Quinces (or of dry'd Roses) half an ounce, mix.
Take conserve of red Roses 2 ounces; Balsam of Sulphur Terebinthinated 1 dram, mix.
A temperate Cardiac Electuary.
Take Conserve of Gilly flowers 3 ounces; Conserve of Barberries, Juice of Kermes strain'd, each half an ounce; Pearls levigated 4 scruples, mix.
A temperate Scorbutic Electuary.
Take conserve of wood Sorrel 4 ounces; of Hips 1 ouncel powder of red Coral half an ounce; of Ivory, Harts-horn, each 2 drams; Syrup of the opening roots 2 ounces, mix.
Take conserve of red Roses 4 ounces; Oil of Turpentine 80 drops, mix.
Take Conserve of Gilly flowers, Conserve of the yellow peel of Lemons, each 1 ounce; candy'd Citron peel, Green Ginger, Electuary of Sassaphras, Juice of Kermes strained, each half an ounce; Oil of Nutmeg 2 drops; Oil of Cinnamon and Cloves, each 1 drop,...
Take Conserve of Wood Sorrel 1 ounce and half; conserve of red Roses and of Hips, each 1 ounce; Syrup of Violets half an ounce; Oil of Vitriol as much as serves to give it a grateful Tartness, mix.
Take Betony leaves powder'd 6 drams; Root of Pellitory of Spain 2 drams; Oil of Cloves (or of Sassaphras, or of Origanum) 4 drops; Honey as much as sufficient, mix.
Take Conserve of red Roses 2 ounces; Diacordium half an ounce; powder'd Bole 2 drams; Dragons Blood 1 dram and half; Balaustines half a dram; Oil of Nutmeg and Cinnamon, each 2 drops; Syrup of dry'd Roses 1 ounces; mix.
An Electuary against Abortion.
Take Conserve of red Roses, Marmalade of Quinces, Candy'd Nutmeg, Juice of Kermes strain'd, Syrup of Quinces, Syrup of Corall, each half an onnce; Species of Hyacinth 3 drams; Aromaticum Rosatum, Astringent Crocus of Mars, each 2 drams; Sugar of Lead 1...
Take conserve of common (or rather Vervain) Mallow flowers, new Butter unsalted, each 2 ounces; powder'd Nutmeg 4 scruples; mix.
Take conserve of Roman (or Sea) Wormwood, and of Scurvy grass, each 3 ounces; green Ginger 1 ounce and half; Rust of Iron (made into fine Dust) 6 drams; Oil of Cloves and Sassaphras, each 6 drops; Syrup of the 5 opening roots 1 ounce, mix.
Take conserve of ref Roses 2 ounces; Raisins of the Sun passed through a pulping Sieve 1 ounce; powder'd Mastic 1 dram and half; Nutmeg half a dram; Syrup of Meconium as much as suffices, mix.
Take conserve of the right Spear Mint 4 ounces; Oil of Cinnamon 4 drops; Oil Cloves 2 drops; Oil of Anise and Wormwood, each 1 drops, mix.
Take powder'd Mustard seed half an ounce; conserve of Rue 2 ounces; Syrup of Stechas 1 ounce and half; Oil of Rosemary, Lavender, each 4 drops, mix.
Take conserve of Piony flowers 1 ounce; powder'd Piony root 6 drams, Piony seed excorticated 2 drams; Balsam of Peru 4 scruple; Syrup of Piony 3 ounces, mix.
Take candy'd Satyrion root 2 ounces; candy'd Eryngo root 1 ounce; candy'd Nutmeg half an ounce; Juice of Kermes, Spirit of Clary, each 2 drams; long Pepper powder'd 16 grains, mix.
Take Conserve of white Arch Angel flowers 1 ounce and half; Diascordium, green Ginger, powder'd Colophony, each half an ounce; Oil of Cinnamon 4 drops; Syrup of dried Roses, as much as fits to make it up with, mix.
Take of the best Rhubarb (finely grated, without being dried) half an ounce; Currants picked clean, and rubbed with a course Cloath 3 ounces; Syrup of Succory with Rhubarb half an ounce; Oil of Aniseeds 2 drops; beat it well in a Mortar, 'till it all be...
Take green Ginger 1 ounce; conserve of red Roses 3 ounces; (sometimes I order a like quantity of each) Oil of Cinnamon 4 drops; Oil of Cloves 2 drops, mix.
Take powder'd Myrrh half an ounce; Olibanum 1 dram; Saffron half a dram; work them together in a Mortar with the yolk of an Egg, and add five powder'd white Sugar Candy half an ounce; Pulp of Raisins passed thro' a Sieve 1 ounce; Syrup of Balsam half an...
Take conserve of Celandine leaves 1 ounce; powder'd Turmeric half an ounce; Troches (or rather dried flesh) of Vipers 3 drams; Rhubarb, Saffron, each half a dram; Syrup of Fumitory as much as suffices, mix.
Take conserve of Rosemary flowers 1 ounce; green Ginger, Millepedes powder'd (I fancy lives ones are better) each half an ounce; flower of Sulphur 2 drams; flower of Benjamin, Saffron and Virginia Tobacco, each 1 scruple; Orris root 1 dram; clarify'd...
Take Scurvy grass 3 ounces; Currants, white Sugar searced fine, each 1 ounce and half; powder of Arum compound 6 drams; Winter Bark 2 drams; Oil of sassaphras 4 drops; Syrup of Elder berries 1 ounce, or as much as needs.
Take conserve of stinking Orrach 4 ounce; Oil of Amber 48 drops; mix.
Take conserve of red Roses 2 ounces; conserve of Hips 1 ounce; Lucatellus's Balsam half an ounce; Species of Diatragacanth frigid 1 dram; Syrup of Balsam 3 drams, mix.
Take white Poppy and Henbane seed powder'd, each half an ounce; Syrup of Corn Poppy, Conserve of red Roses, each 1 ounce and half, mix.
Take Poterius his Antihectic half an ounce; Haly's powder fresh made 1 ounce and half; Syrup of Jujubes as much as suffices, mix,
Take conserve of red Roses 6 drams; Diascordium half an ounce; powder'd Rhubarb 2 drams; Oil of Nutmeg and Cinnamon, each 2 drops; Liquid Laudanum 80 drops; Syrup of Quinces half an ounce, mix.
Take powder'd Rosemary leaves half an ounce; Syrup of Stechas 1 ounce and half; Balsam of Peru 12 drops; Oil of Nutmeg and Rosemary, each 2 drops, mix.
Take conserve of Gilly flowers 2 ounces; of Hips, Gelly of Rasberries and of Currants, Juice of Kermes strain'd, each half an ounce; Ambergrise (well ground in a Mortar, first with Sugar Candy 16 grains; and after with Oil of Vitriol 4 drops) 4 grains;...